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After I spent several hours with him laughing and cuddling I fell asleep in his arms. I could still hear him talking though. He sounded angry and exhausted. How could he not be? Tom was never patient about anything. How are they expecting him to be patient now?

I woke up from a loud bang at the wall. I got up frightened, thinking it might be one out of many Tom's enemies. When I got up I saw Tom standing in front of a nurse.

The nurse looked petrified. She was facing Tom with her back stuck to the wall, her face bug eyed, her nose was bleeding and she was shaking insanely.

Tom on the other hand? Tom was facing her. I couldn't see his face but from the body language he seemed to be outraged. His shoulders were going up and down while he was taking deep and slow breaths. His hands were into fists. He wasn't talking. He was just staring at the horrified nurse who had just pissed herself.

Tom leaned forward, his face was a breath away from hers. He picked his hand up and punched the wall right next to her head causing her to gasp and move her head to the other way.

"Don't you dare touch her like that again!" Tom said in a calm voice and then took her head and smashed it on the wall causing her to fall down.

"If you touch Gia one more time without my consent you won't live to see the daylight! You hear me?" Tom screamed to the nurse.

"Get out!" Tom screamed again.

The nurse got up and ran out of the room.

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