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"Lukas what Tom?" I asked in a, no more that calm, voice.

"He's been held hostage!" Tom shouted and got down to his knees crying.

"By who?" I asked.

"By Leroy!" He cried.

"Oh my God!" I cried and rushed to hug Tom.

I hugged him while he was on his knees. He was squeezing me as hard as he could while he bawled his eyes out. I was touching his head. My mind was stuck. I didn't know what to do. It was the first time I saw him cry like that.

I wasn't able to speak. I felt like I swallowed my own tongue.

I was sweating while Tom was acting like a kid.

Tom got up suddenly and looked at me.

"I can't stay here. I have to go." Tom said while he was looking at the ground and seemed like he was thinking.

"But your wound-"

"I have to go!" Tom shouted interrupting me.

"Where!" I shouted with a cracking voice.

"I know exactly where he is" Tom growled

After that Tom got out of the room mad as fuck. I followed him to make sure he is okay.

The second he faced a doctor, Tom yelled at him " I want to leave!"

The doctor looked at Tom with a serious look on his face but you could still see the fear in his eyes.

"Sir you can't. You just got out of surgery. " the doctor said with a shaking voice.

"I said I want to leave!" Tom shouted.

"It's against the rules-" the doctor tried to say but Tom stopped him.

Tom grabbed his shirt and smashed him to the wall. Everyone gasped. I froze in my place as I saw a police officer.

Unfortunately for the doctor, as soon as the officer saw Tom he turned around and walked out afraid.

"Listen to me asshole! I don't give a fuck about your stupid rules! I'm not staying in this shithole any longer!" Tom said in a way that he even scared me. He said it calmly but the look on his face was deadly.

Tom then threw the doctor on the opposite side of the room. The doctor didn't even got up. He just stared stunned.

"Have I made myself clear?" Tom asked quietly leaning over the doctor.

"Y-Yes Mr Müller." The doctor said.

As Tom turned the other way a nurse behind him said "Do you really think that this is a proper way to treat the people who helped you?"

"What did you say sweetheart?" Tom asked as he turned around to face her.

"This is not a playground asshole!" She shouted to his face.

Before Tom got to respond I already got in front of him and shot the woman in the stomach.

"That wasn't really nice." I chuckled.

And then I shot her another time in the left leg.

"You never talk about my man like that!" I shouted as my smile faded away and was replaced by an evil smirk.

And then I shot her a thrird time in one eye.

I started walking towards a bunch of nurses that were staring at me in a wierd way.

I shot a of couple times in the air

"Anyone else who wants to be a hero?" I shouted pointing the gun at them.

"That's what I wanted to see " i said smiling again and walked towards Tom.

Tom looked surprised. I bet he never new this part of me existed.

"Good job Mrs Müller" Tom smirked

"Thank you very much Mr Müller" I chuckled.

We went back to the room so Tom can put on his actual clothes and then we left that filthy hospital and we were headed to that "Leroy's" place.

Just a Lie Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora