That explains a lot

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The kid was staring at me while holding a little teddy bear. I turned around and looked at the kid who seemed really impressed by Tom's gun.

"Do you like it" I asked the kid laughing.

"Yeah, can I have it?" the little kid said.

"How old are you"

"Six and a half"

"You're way too young for guns. Ask me again when you're twelve" I said and turned to Klaus who was looking at me questioned.

"What?" I asked Klaus.

"Twelve?! "

"That's when I got a machete as Christmas present from my father." I said

"That explains a lot" Klaus said while chuckling.

I gave him an angry look and then we both started laughing.

I then felt a few taps on my shoulder. I turned around and I saw the little kid staring at me.

"What?" I asked her.

"Is Santa Claus real?" The little kid asked.

"I mean. Maybe. Does he brings you gifts?" I said.

"Yes" the little kid said

"You're good. I used to find my mother unconscious under the tree with a bottle of liquor in her hand instead of gifts." I said and laughed.

"What do you mean? The little girl asked me confused.

"I wish you'll never understand " i said.

"Can I ask you something?" The girl asked me.

"Go on" i said

"How are kids made?" She asked me.

I turned around to face Klaus who was red as fuck closing his nose trying not to laugh. I turned to the little girl again.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Lisa " the girl responded.

"Listen Lisa...." i said.

Everyone was looking at me at this point to see what I was going to say.

"Do you have access to the internet?" I asked.

"I take daddy's phone when he is sleeping" she whispered.

"You'll find out really soon" I said and just closed my eyes trying to clear up my mind.

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