I am a God

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He went downstairs to cook some breakfast while I was taking a shower.

I was in the bathtub. Hot water running down my body. It was so relaxing. I closed my eyes as I let the hot water hug my tired body.

I was mumbling my favorite song when I heard a loud bang from downstairs. I stopped mumbling and opened my eyes while I tried to listen carefully. I continued hearing noises like glass breaking and grunts like someone was wrestling with someone else. I turned the tap off and remained silent.

"Who do you think you are?" I heard Tom say.

I got out of the bathtub and wore a bathrobe. The noises were getting louder. I got concerned and I took my gun from my bedside table. I walked down the stairs on tippy toes and not even breathing just so no one could hear me.

My heart was beating extremely fast. It felt like I was hiding from a killer. I continued walking down the stairs with the gun in my hands. When I reached the last step I snicked a peak and I saw Tom on the floor and a man pointing his gun to Tom's head.
I pointed my gun to that guy and I pulled the trigger. My gun made the sound guns make when they're empty. That attracted the man's attention and he turned around to see me pointing my gun at him. I continued pulling the trigger with a desperate look on my face.

"Fuck" I mumbled.

The guy laughed and shot me in the leg.
I dropped my gun to the ground and touched my leg. The pain was intense. I felt a distinctive, sharp pressure to my right leg. There was blood everywhere and two wounds, one on each side of my leg. A small, precise, clean one on the front and a big, ugly explosion of flesh on the back. The pain was like a big sting at first. I fell down not being able to speak or move. I was so shocked.

An evil, ironic smile was spread on the guy's face as he was watching me suffering. He started chuckling the same way villains do. It was obvious that he was mentally unstable.

I was staring at him crying. I saw with the corner of my eye Tom getting up behind the guy but I didn't look directly to Tom's way because I didn't want the guy to follow my gaze. I was looking straight into the guy's eyes.

"You're stupid" I said to the guy trying to keep his attention to me.

"What?" The guy asked.

"You think that it's so easy to get rid of us? How many days do you think you will be able to survive after killing us? Two? One? None maybe? Perhaps how far away you are. Our men are going to find you and your stupid little friends and they're going to kill you before you'll even realize what's happening. Do you really want to die?" I said to him with a straight face while eyeing Tom who managed to take a kitchen knife.

"Who do you think you are you little slut?" The guy asked.

"I am the reason you exist. I am a God" i said.

Before the guy got to respond, Tom stabbed him in the head. I still remember the sound his skull made when the knife penetrated it.

The guy's eyes widened as he fell to the ground.

I then got up and managed to walk to Tom. I hugged him and as I pulled back I passed out.

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