The man without a brother

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Time passed and our little girl was growing up, transforming to a beautiful creature. Everything was perfect. Until the day that changed my life.

It was May 13th, our girl was turning 3 years old. Me and Tom were playing with Valerie when Tom got a strange call.

"Who is it?" Tom asked but didn't receive an answer.

"I said who is it?" Tom shouted.

Suddenly Tom's face turned white as a sheet and his phone fell from his hand.

"What's wrong?" I asked worried by his face expression.

"He- He said my time ends" Tom said with a voice that seemed dead, without a soul.

"What do you mean baby..." i asked scared.

He didn't get to answer when we heard a loud bang on the door. I looked at him terrified and he signaled me to be quiet.

After five seconds the door opened. A tall man, wearing a hat and a suit appeared.

"Run upstairs and lock the door baby, okay? Go!" I said to Valerie.

She ran upstairs while I stayed there.

"Who are you?" Tom asked while holding me protectively.

"The man without a brother" the man growled. An unsettling smile was written on his face.

"Eric..." Tom said while shaking.

"That's right Tom Müller. The man without a brother. The guy who's brother you killed!" The man said. His voice was raspy and his eyes were filled with anger. He was holding a cigarette in his left hand and a gun in the right. His gloves were dressed by blood which was yet spreading, while he was holding his gun tightly. His suit didn't have a drop of blood. It was clean as new.

"You brother killed my father!" Tom screamed while holding me still. That's when i realized that Tom didn't have a gun on him.

"I don't care!" The guy shouted.

"Prepare to die!" The guy said laughing hysterically.

"Do whatever you want to me but don't touch her!" Tom said.

My words were stuck in my throat as I was trying to speak. My tongue was numb.

The guy shot Tom in the chest. Tom fell down to his knees. I fell down next to him and held him. I looked at his wound and I realized that it was in the left side of the chest.

"Fuck you Tom Müller" the guy said and left.

"No, no, no baby. Stay with me!" I cried.

"Listen to me Gia" he said in a raspy voice.

"I love you so much. Don't be scared, okay?" He said, tears were rolling next to his eyes while he was laying on the carpet.

"I'm taking you to the hospital." I said while I was trying to pick him up.

I got up and I grabbed the car keys. I shoved them in my right pocket and I managed to pick him up. He was so heavy and weak. He couldn't walk. He was nothing like the Tom I used to know.

I opened the passenger's door and I placed him there. I putted on his seat belt and I slammed the door closed and I ran around the car and threw myself to the driver's side. I shoved the key into the ignition which caused the car to roar. I took off the dirty road. Dust was flying around as I was drifting around the roads. I couldn't see clear. I was scared that we are going to crash.

Lights started to appear as I was speeding down the busy streets. I was so worried about Tom because of all the noises he was making. I turned to him for a split second. The yellow street lights were making the sweat on his body glisten as if it was fairy dust. I could feel his heartbeat next to my ear as if he pulled his heart out and placed it on my shoulder. He was really scared. I could see it.

My hands were gripping the steering wheel so tightly, they almost went numb after a while. His blood was drying up on my skin.

"It's going to be okay" I said to him, panic running through my veins.

I felt paralyzed almost, I had no strength to move. Tom's eyes were closing slightly. His head was resting on the window, causing him to bump every time the car was turning. His chest was rising slightly, as if his lungs were filled with blood so there was almost no place for air. His eyes were closed now.

"Open your eyes Tom!" I snapped causing him to flinch a little.

He opened his eyes to stare at me. His eyes were filled with sadness and tears. I inhaled with relief "Don't close your eyes!" I said before turning back to the road and taking a sharp turn.

I got to the hospital and got out of the car without turning the engine off. I ran to the passenger's door and opened it. I grabbed a hold of him and pulled him out of the car. I whined while trying to get him in the hospital. He was too heavy.

I got him in the hospital and I looked at the nurses in a threatening way. They rushed to me and took Tom from my hands. Tom whined in pain as they were grabbing him so roughly.

"Watch it!" I hissed at one nurse. Almost no fear in my voice, just pure sadness.

"Take care of our baby, okay?" He said while the nurses were holding him up to his feet.

"Don't say that Tom! Please!" I cried out as the fear made its way back to my system.

"I'm so thankful that I've met you Gia. You taught me how to love. You taught me how love feels." He whispered in my ear while his voice was cracking and he was gargling because of the blood in his mouth.

"I love you Tom. It's going to be okay. You'll see." I said trying to calm him down but my face was showing otherwise.

The nurses took him to the emergency room. I sat down on a chair while shaking. I could feel my heart wanting to pop through my ribs. I got up and walked out so I could smoke a cigarette. I opened the package and I placed a cigarette in between my lips. I took the lighter out of my pocket and lit up the cigarette, giving it life. I took a puff of the cigarette and inhaled strongly, letting the smoke fill my lungs and warm them before exhaling softly watching the smoke break free. I was almost jealous of the smoke for a minute. I wished I could break free like that. But I knew I couldn't do it. I took the last puff of the cigarette before flicking it to the dirty ground.

I got back in the hospital. The smell of sanitizer almost piercing through my nose as I was walking down the aisle. A lot of terrified stares by strangers were dressing me up. I didn't do anything. I was too weak to even pull a trigger. I sat down on the same chair and I tried to calm myself down. It was impossible.

After a good 2 hours a doctor came up to me. He was maybe new there because I've never seen him in there before. He was looking at the ground. I could feel something in the air. I got up to face him, almost too weak to stand up. I looked right into his eyes.

"Tell me" I said after swallowing the lump in my throat.

"I'm really sorry Mrs Müller... he didn't make it." He said.

His words were repeating in my head like an echo but they weren't fading at all. They were almost getting louder.

"W-What are you saying?" I asked frantically in a trembling voice. My knees started shaking. My feet went completely numb.

"He died on the operating table due to blood loss." He said.

"No... this can't be true!" I said with tears building in my eyes.

"I'm really sorry for your loss." He said resting his right hand on my shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped pulling back from him.

"Leave! Now! I can't look at you! Leave!" I screamed in a cracking voice while holding back tears that were screaming to come out.

A wave of sadness hit me at that moment. My heart sank in the thought of him being dead. I fell to my knees on the hospital floor.

"Why? Why?" I screamed.

"Take me with you! Please don't leave me here!" I screamed at the top of my lungs while looking at the ceiling. My heart was beating fast but slow. My lungs were filled with air, although I needed more.

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