The world behind my wall

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I kept looking at people thinking about my life. I was looking at Lisa who was playing with her teddy bear. She was wearing a pink dress and some pink shoes. She had brown, medium length, straight hair and she had a huge bow on the top of her hair pin.

She reminded me of myself when I was young. Playing and running around without caring about anything. When did it all stop? When did we all stopped playing "tag, you're it"? When did we stopped caring about cartoon and play dates and we started getting sad and annoyed by anything?

It's really sad the fact that time passes so fast and the clock never actually stops even if you feel like it did. What makes it sad is the fact that you can't do anything about it and you end up being stuck in time while the rest of the world goes on and on.

I've always wanted to stop the time when I was having fun. That's because I knew that I would be sad again really soon. And it scared me. The fact that I was weak in front of the power time had in my eyes scared me. And it keeps scaring me and making me not being able to sleep at night because I feel that if I sleep I loose time from my life.

I haven't lived yet. I'm stuck behind the walls that my mind builded and now I can't escape. No windows or doors. I'm just waiting for someone to rescue me but I recently understood that no one can and that I have to save myself to see the world behind my wall.

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