May 13th

4 1 0

It was a sunny day. I was in the kitchen making breakfast. Tom was in our bedroom talking to the phone.

Unexpectedly I felt water dripping down my thighs and the baby moving a lot.

I stayed there for a while trying to understand what happened.

After a while I felt a strong pain in my belly which caused me to fall to my feet.

"Tom!" I screamed terrified.

He came downstairs running. His expression changed when he saw me on the kitchen floor.

"What's wrong?" He asked scared while he got to his knees so he could face me.

"The baby is coming" I said looking anxious.

"Oh god" he said and picked me up. He ran to the car while holding me tight. He placed me to the passenger's seat and he got in the car. He started speeding down the roads of Germany while talking to me.

"It's okay baby. Deep breaths." He said while he started breathing heavily with me. He looked way more anxious than I was.

The pain was killing me.

We arrived at the hospital and Tom ran inside with me in his arms.

"She's experiencing abdominal pain. Her water just broke." He said to the nurses.

The nurses looked too scared to move a muscle.

"Help her goddammit!" He said while pointing his gun at them.

They took me inside while i was crying out of pain.

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