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"How can you be so heartless Tom?" I asked almost whispering. You could hear my soul almost leaving my body.

"What?" He asked furiously.

"How can you be so heartless? How can you do something like that and then look at me in the eyes?" I asked louder and more bossy this time.

"Don't speak to me in that tone!" He screamed at me.

"I was a happy little girl when you met me and look what you've done to me!" I screamed back at him while my eyes were watering and my voice was cracking.

"Stop! Don't say that!" He screamed. He seemed like he regretted what he did to me.

"It's the truth Tom! When you met me I was full of life and happiness! Now i just wish i died a long time ago!" I cried out.

"That's not true! You know i love you!" He said not eveen looking at me.

"No the fuck you don't! You love the idea of me being yours but you don't love ME!" i said crying.

"I love you!" He screamed. His eyes were filled with tears.

"Stop saying that! You don't love me!" I cried.

"Baby I love you! Stop this madness!" He screamed ready to cry.

"You are destroying me! Stop saying that you love me please! It's destroying my mental health! Please!" I cried out weakly. I couldn't handle hearing this words from his mouth.

"Baby please!" He started crying.

I was speechless. It was so wierd to me to see him weak. I just couldn't believe it. Tom Müller, was crying...

"It's all your fault! You destroyed me!" I cried out.

"Baby please stop! I can't hear those words from your mouth! Please don't say that!" He cried.

I remained silent.

He cupped his face with his hands and he continued crying. He was screaming, crying, mumbling this I couldn't understand. He seemed like a little kid.

This sight made me weak. Tom Müller was crying...

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