Whatever you want.

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Time seemed really slow while I was in the hospital. Hours seemed days and days seemed months. Tom was always by my side. He refused to sleep in a bed next to mine. He slept on the chair because he wanted to be as close to me as he could. He also refused to sleep in the same bed as me because he wanted me to feel comfortable.

After two weeks they finally did let us leave. When we arrived home Tom picked me up and got me inside. He was acting like I couldn't walk or something. When he got me inside he placed me on the sofa and cuddled next to me. He was so needy and sensitive. He was acting like I came back from the dead.

"Do you want anything?" He asked me with his head resting on the curve of my neck.

"Do you know what I really want?" I asked smiling.

"Tell me" he said

"I would love to have some McDonald's right now " I whined.

"Whatever you want baby" he said and immediately got up and ordered.

After 15 minutes the food arrived and I tried to get up so I can eat normally. But he didn't let me. Indeed he fed me. It was like he was practicing so he would be the perfect father. When he held the food in front of my mouth he would open his mouth and then close it again. He reminded me of my mother. She used to do that when she fed my little sister.

When I was done eating, Tom took me upstairs and helped me take of my clothes so I can get in the bathtub.

"You sure you don't need any help? I can scrub your back or massage you." He requested.

"It's okay Tom. It's not something hard. I can manage to take a bath by myself. I'm not a five year old. " I laughed

"Okay. Call me if you need anything. I'll be right outside." He said and closed the door behind him.

As soon as I got in the hot water I felt the illness exiting my body. I felt way better and way calmer.

I stayed there for one hour. Tom would knock every five minutes to make sure that I'm okay.

When I got out of the bathtub I almost slipped so I did let out a scream. Tom bursted into the bathroom immediately looking scared. His eyebrows raised and his eyes wide open. He seemed like he was ready for anything. He quickly picked me up and took me to the bedroom. He helped me put on my clothes and he blow dried my hair. Not good but at least he tried.

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