Free spirit

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After an hour Tom came downstairs. His eyes were red and swollen. He was completely covered in Luka's blood. His face was blank. He looked different.

When I saw him I immediately got up and ran up to him to hug him. He needed that hug. I understood it by the way he held me tight.

"It's okay" I whispered

"I know" he sighed.

"He wanted to be cremated." Tom said

"We'll do whatever he wanted." I assured Tom and smiled

The next day we took Luka's ashes and we drove to that mountain that Tom took me once. We got out of the car and Tom opened the jar that contained Luka's ashes.

He got to the highest point and then let Luka's spirit free. The wind guided the ashes as Tom was staring at the sunset smiling. Before we even knew, Luka's spirit disappeared.

Me and Tom stayed there with a bottle of whiskey until the sun disappeared completely and was replaced by the moon.
We were both silent but it was like we had a whole conversation. The silence wasn't awkward but it was actually way more comforting than I thought.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked him breaking the silence.

"Go ahead." Tom said

"Why here? Why not somewhere else?" I asked

"You see... we discovered this place together when we were kids. We used to come here every time we needed a break from all the fucked situations that were taking place in our house. We used to stay here for hours without talking to each other. We both felt free here. We knew that no one would find us here. He was a free spirit. That's why I knew that he would love to be set free here, in the exact same spot I stood when I emptied the jar."

"That's beautiful " i said with a tear sliding down my cheek.

"I know" Tom replied and hugged me.

When we returned home we both went to sleep immediately. We fell asleep cuddling. I felt safe in his arms. And I knew that he could feel it.

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