.Extra Three.

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


{Yeah, Yeah, Merry Fucking Christmas}


Word Count; 6,033

Autumn had given way to Winter, the end of November closing in on Class 2A with its demand for hats, gloves, and thicker coats. After exams and work studies had ended, winter break had swiftly crept up on them, allowing for a couple of long weeks away from school.

Costa wasn't fond of the cold, she never had been. She was a summer kind of girl. She loved days that consisted of pools, sun tans, and long-ass runs in the scorching heat that left her literally glowing on her jog back due to the amount of light she'd absorbed from the mid-day sun.

This weather, however, wasn't her favorite.

"Fuck you and your damn sweaters.." Costa grumbled as she watched Katsuki fold his thick, zip-up, red sweater into a bulky, black suitcase. She had a piece of licorice hanging from her mouth, the same piece she'd been gnawing on for the past ten minutes. "This sucks."

Katsuki finally lifted his gaze to meet hers and sent her a critical, pointed look, to which she scowled and glanced away.

"We both know it's not the damn weather that's got you this fucking cranky." He clicked his tongue at her, crossing the room to rummage through his dresser. Costa only huffed out a loud, obnoxious breath. She spun around in his desk chair, keeping her eyes trained on his moving form. She tilted her head to one side, examining him as he pulled his deodorant stick out of his drawer, flipped it in the air, and caught it swiftly before tossing it into his suitcase.

"I just don't understand why you have to be up there all break... Can't you just go for a week and call it...?" Costa finally broke off a piece of licorice rather viciously, her jaw flexing and contracting as she chewed.

A side smirk appeared on his face as he made his way back into his closet. "Just fucking say you're gonna miss me, brat."

She didn't reply to that, only huffed out an annoyed breath and looked out his window. She could see the wind blowing leaves right off the frail trees in the yard and she shivered at the thought of how cold it must be out there. It was almost the end of December and they'd been suffering in the relentless cold for weeks.

Okay, maybe she was being dramatic, for it didn't get much lower than the freezing point in Japan around this time of the year, but she was a total baby when it came to Winter, no matter where she was.

Katsuki paused his packing, drawing Costa's attention. As soon as she caught his gaze, her expression softened. "What?"

He was trying his best not to smirk, his eyes squinting as he looked at her.

The Wildcard - Katsuki Bakugouحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن