Chapter 46 - Good Treatment

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2nd of November, 2009
Michael is 51, Angela is 45, and Jake is 46

Angela: "Lily! Lily! Please, let's talk about this!" I yelled loudly.

With my robe wrapped around me and my slippers getting dirty from walking around the ranch, I kept looking for my daughter.

Because the sun was starting to set, I was determined to find her, no matter what.

"Angie, please get back to bed," Michael tailed close behind me. "Adam has everyone looking for her."

Ignoring him, I walked even faster, passing the bridge that led to the gardens. A gust of wind blew suddenly, my body shivering as a result.

"Lily!" I yelled again.

Michael caught up to me. "Angela, we'll find her. Please, let's go back. This isn't good for you, you're supposed to be resting."

"My daughter is missing, Michael. I'm gonna keep looking for her, whether you like it or not," I scoffed, stopping for a minute to catch my breath. "Gosh, why is this ranch so damn big?!"

It felt as if the air knocked out of my lungs. With a few deep inhales my breath evened out again.

"Seriously, Ange. We're going back to the house." my husband pulled on my arm.

"N- no. I gotta look for Lily." I tried yanking it away from his hold, and failed miserably. I was physically drained.

"Mike, please..."

"The second Adam has something, he's gonna call me. Okay?"

Unwillingly, I let him lead me back. We made it all the way to the Giving Tree when I heard a bit of rustling.

Somewhat hopeful that we finally found her, I looked up, but it was only a bird that took off from one of the branches.

"Damn it," I stopped again, feeling defeated. "Why did you have to yell at her, Mike?"

"This would never have happened if we told the kids sooner, babe." he rolled his eyes.

"You know why we couldn't tell them."

"Well, look where that got us. It only backfired."

Snickering, I made sure he saw how annoyed I was before walking towards the house again.

The entire way, we both called out for Lily, yet there was no use. She wasn't anywhere to be found.

As we neared the house, there was a weird feeling that I couldn't quite shake off.

My gut feeling was justified because a big SUV waited for us. Bill was leaning against it, making my stomach turn.

Jake. Gosh, not him, too.

"You're going to bed," Michael ordered, still pulling in my arm. "Now."

"Michael, let me go! I want to see him."


"What the- Michael Joseph Jackson, I swear, if you don't let me see him..."

We went back and forth like that for a couple minutes. With each minute our voices raised, and he inched me closer to the front door, attempting to get me inside.

Finally interrupting our fighting, the car door opened and revealed Jake.

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets as he walked towards us, just like that, as if he wasn't basically a dead man walking.

"Where's Lily?" he demanded to know. He then stared at me, acting like he's never seen me before. His mouth hung open a bit, brown eyes glistening with tears. "Angie? Oh, look at you... You're too skinny."

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