Chapter 16 - Ghosts From The Past

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2nd of August, 2008
Michael is 49, Angela is 44

Angela: "Michael, come on! It's not even that cold." I called over to Michael who stood by the porch door.

"Not that cold?! It's below freezing!"

I giggled, "So get in the hot tub! That's what it's for!"

My husband exhaled loudly before running to the hot tub where I was in, and taking his flip flops and robe off quickly. "Oh, my God, I can't believe you made me do this."

"Get in already." I rolled my eyes.

"I wonder who's idea was it to put a hot tub outside in the fucking cold," he said as he settled in. "Mmhm, this is pretty nice actually."

Closing my eyes, I sighed, "Told you."

Honestly he was just whining. Yes, it was cold, since we were in the mountains just outside Anchorage. But I thought we could enjoy a little time outside and inhale some well needed fresh air. We've been kinda cooped up in the cabin for the last couple days.

I wasn't complaining, especially since we would have sex at least twice a day. I didn't know what came over Michael since he initiated most of our very, very, pleasing sessions. But again, I wasn't complaining.

"Hey," Michael called, making me open my eyes. "Come here."

I stood up and sat on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. He smiled as he leaned down to kiss me.

"I love being able to spend time with you like this. You know, just us." he said.

I kissed him back, "Me too, Mike."

As I expected, it turned very hot, very soon. My husband didn't really wait before trying to slide his fingers inside me.

"Mmhm, Michael, wait..." I moaned into his mouth. "We can't do it here, you don't have a condom and it's too risky."

But he kept on trying, "What's the worst that'll happen?"

I pulled away and looked at him. Is he serious?

"I can't risk getting pregnant again, you know that."

"I do, but it won't be the worst thing."

I couldn't believe those words just came out of his mouth.

"Michael, I almost died giving birth to Leo! Not to mention we have nine kids! And our youngest is just a little over two months old! I can't believe you'd ask me to even slightly risk getting pregnant again." I said angrily, getting off his lap and out of the hot tub.

Without taking even my robe I dashed back to the cabin. Michael called my name but I ignored him.

I was pissed. God, we were having a good time. Did he really have to ruin it?!

Deciding to go cool off in the shower, I started going up the stairs but a hand caught my wrist.
"Woah, Angela, wait," my husband turned me to him. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was a sensitive subject."

I scoffed, "Well you should've. I know you don't remember a lot, and we're not what we used to be, but you should've thought a little before speaking. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna take a shower."

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