Chapter 7 - So Wrong, But Feels So Right

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There's a twist in this chapter, you've been warned 😉

Hope you like it ❤️



25th of May, 2008
Michael is 49, Angela is 44

Angela: It's been two weeks since Michael woke up.

Nothing big happened. He was supposed to meet the children, our children, a week ago, but his doctor said he wasn't ready for that yet.

I learned to accept the situation we were in and I think Michael did, too. He was still distant but he tried his best to come see me a lot so I could help him put more pieces together.

I was very much grounded in bed, doing nothing. Javon kept me company most days when Michael wasn't here.

And thankfully, the baby was growing beautifully, and now I was almost at the end of month number 8.
Dr. Holden said everything looked perfect, so I should be expecting to go home soon.

It was Debbie's week again. To say Michael didn't take the news about Prince and Paris well would be an understatement. He was absolutely furious, promising me that we would get full custody over them as soon as we both leave the hospital.

I didn't tell him this yet, but I wasn't up for that at all. I was done fighting. Everything finally seemed to fall into place and honestly, Debbie hasn't been that bad. The kids were enjoying their time with her, too.

"Angela?" Javon interrupted my thoughts as he came in.

"Hmm?" I smiled.

"It's Mr. Jackson, his doctor is releasing him home today..."


"That's what I heard." he scratched the back of his neck.

I sat up, "He can't go home alone! Call Dr. Holden."

He did as I asked and my doctor was here soon enough.

"Dr. Holden, I have to go home today." I declared.

The doctor crossed his arms over his chest, "And why is that?"

I knew he would never let me go only because Michael was being released today, so I had to come up with another excuse.

"It's my kids' birthday," I suddenly remembered. "Lily and Eric, you've met them. They're turning ten today."

With the ongoing days here, I totally forgot about that. Shit.

"I'll think about it, after I run some tests. If everything checks out you're free to go."

"Really?" I raised my brows.

He nodded. "Should we get to those tests?"


Michael: I closed the last button of my shirt and sighed.

"Are you okay, sir?" Javon, who came to check up on me, asked.

"I don't  know..." I rubbed my aching forehead. "My head still really hurts. Are you sure I should go home?"

"That's what your doctor said. And he did tell you you might experience more headaches in the next couple months. There's nothing to worry about."

I nodded but was still unsure. Maybe it was the fact that I was going home, to a home I don't actually remember.

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