The Sing Sing Fruit's Dark Secret.

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Now that Uta is a worldwide star, what will her next goal be? The chapter title is quite ominous. Read to find out! Little heads up, but there will be a great deal of fan lore. I don't own One Piece.

"Golly, Gordon mentioned that the underground catacombs were vast, but this is ridiculous."

After helping Uta with her six month anniversary livestream, Echo took it upon herself to go and explore Elegia's ruins which Gordon had allowed Echo to study. With about six months worth of studying Elegia's history under her belt, Echo has transferred about seventy five percent of what she's learned to Vegapunk. However, none of the history could trace back to anything the old man found regarding this Nika god or the original Sing Sing user and it was something that they were stumped on. The whole reason why they were here is because of that little legend and no one has any leads as of yet. Still, there was one piece of evidence that Echo has yet to touch and she was hoping to find it here. After a bit of exploring, Echo comes across a large pair of wooden doors that were chained together.

"So this is where they try to stop me." Echo said as she observed the rusty chains. "Gordon did say I was free to look wherever I wished, so...."

Echo touches the chains and then her hands begin to glow purple. The chains then were pulled off of the door handles and slammed into the ground by an unknown force. Echo then casually opens the doors and enters a room that looks similar to an abandoned library. Echo was shocked at the amount of books available and couldn't help, but be entranced. The woman then looks up and notices a large image painted on the wall. There was a strange writing on it and Echo squinted her eyes as an attempt to try and read it, but the room was too dark.

"If only I could light up the place somehow..." Echo mutters.


Echo looks over to see several large statues making strange noises. It didn't take long before their eyes glow red. Echo gulps as she watches one of the statues walk towards her.

Gordon, never mentioned these things! Abell thought as she backed away nervously. Are they some sort of ancient form of machinery? A golem? I didn't know Elegia had such technology!


Echo gets a bad feeling in her stomach and begins to run. All of the sudden, laser beams begin to shoot out of its eyes causing an explosion.

"HYAH!" Echo screams as she runs from the laser beams. "I'm too smart to die, damn it! Also, you guys are doing more damage than I did!"

As Echo runs around a corner to try and avoid the robot's gaze, another one peers from behind a bookshelf stopping Echo in her tracks.

"Fine, if that's how you want to play then fine." Echo said as she claps her hands into. "Just remember, you all started this."

A purple aura begins to surround Echo and the ground beneath her begins to crack apart. The ground then bursts apart and begins to float in the air with Echo on top of the small piece of concrete. The statues, not caring about their opponents power, reach out and try to grab Echo who is hovering higher off the ground. Echo quickly maneuvers the rock around the golems and gets behind one of them. Echo then jumps off the piece of rock she was standing on and kicks it which hits the back of the head of one of the giant machines. Then, while the golem was dazed, she clenched her fist and a purple aura enveloped her fist.

"Gravity Fist!" Echo yells as she punches one of the golems in the face.

Echo's punch begins to distort the space around it and has enough power to crack the stone surface of the golem's face. The giant figure then topples over and Echo uses her powers once more, but this time using that same purple aura to cover her foot. Echo then stomps on the golem's chest, crushing its entire body. After Echo defeated her opponent, two more golems of different designs came up and tried to corner Echo by launching some missiles towards her. Echo lands on top of one of the bookshelves and begins to run on top of it while dodging the many projectiles aiming towards her. Echo then jumps off the bookshelf and clenches her fists activating her powers again.

Uta's Idol.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora