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Tommy had a loving family.

He was happy in the Innit family, he had two parents and an older sister, Clementine. She was thirteen years old while Tommy was seven.

Tommy's family are in the living room together, Clementine and his mother were watching some silly sitcom while his father creating weapons with his ability.

Tommy didn't understand abilities that well. He knew that only a quarter of the population gets them, and the name of super-powered people are called "Prodigies", supposedly it mainly depends on genetics but that's not always necessary. You were meant to grow into your power around the age of six to nine.

His dad could shape anything into a weapon as if it's clay. He loved watching his dad using his ability, which he had the luck of seeing often since it's his father's job to create weaponry. But lately, it seemed like he has been under a lot of stress and didn't have a fun creating weaponry. Though Tommy assumed it's because he forgot the anniversary of when he got married with Mom. That was funny, seeing the look of shock on his face, though Mom certainly didn't think so at the time.

A knock came from the door, Tommy's mom looked over to his father worryingly but calmed down a little when his father squeezed her hand and gave her a reassuring smile, he sat up from the couch and moved towards the front door, out of Tommy's line of sight. as soon as it opened, there was some aggressive yelling which made Tommy snap his head to where the door is. His mother furrowed her brows nervously and paused the tv to quickly run into the same room as his father.

Tommy looked at Clementine not missing her poorly concealed fear as she looked over at Tommy. A loud crash sounded from where the door was, Clementine and Tommy quickly ran over to see what happened.

"-THE FUCK IS IT, INNIT? I'M NOT PLAYING AROUND." A tall man was screaming at his dad while pointing a gun to Tommy's sobbing mother.

His dad was raising his hands in surrender with teary eyes. "I don't have it finished!" His father's voice cracked. "I swear I'll give it to you as soon as I can I-"

"We gave you two weeks! You know exactly how we feel about time limits." The tall man sneered. "You know we don't take kindly to rats, either! We know exactly what you did, babbling to the Hero Tower. You are a fucking idiot, and now you got to pay the price."

Blood quickly spilled in the room as his mother was shot.

Tommy couldn't stop the scream of terror that escaped his throat, unfortunately this grabbed the attention to the two men in the room.

"RUN!" His father screamed at Tommy and Clementine, Tommy was left frozen in fear, but his sister did not hesitate to grab Tommy and bring him up to her room. She slammed the door shut and quickly shoved Tommy in the closet as another shot was sounded in the house.

Clementine gave Tommy a pained look as tears ran down both of their faces. "What are you doing Clem?!" Tommy asked his older sister. "Get in here! Hide with me, please." He winced when he heard footsteps creak up the stairs.

She smiled reassuringly at Tommy, though it was full of pain. "Don't worry, the Heroes will come, okay? Keep safe." She whispered to him and closed the closet door shut. He hears a sniffle coming from Clementine and then hears his sister opening the bedroom door.

Tommy could hear some muffled voices outside the bedroom. He knew it was the tall man speaking. "Where's your brother, little girl?" The man asked angrily.

"You'll never find him, he has escaped the house and going to the Hero Tower." Clementine replied, her voice shaking.

The Heroes will come Tommy reassured himself. Clem said so, the Heroes will come. It'll be okay.

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