I Want The World In My Hands

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Tommy's burner phone rung.

It was a normal day, he finally got to leave the Hero Tower after the longest week of his life.

Yesterday he told Wilbur about his past – not including some of the white lies he told for the timeline to match up with his fake identity's past – and that was something.

He knew he was screwing himself over even more so, that he was causing himself to get more attached by revealing more of his cards, he understood that.

But he wanted to share why he believed in certain things. Tommy wanted Wilbur's perspective of the Hero Tower to change, because maybe, just maybe, there would be a small chance that he didn't need to kill the SBI by the end of it all. Maybe they would grow to understand the flaws. They could change and they could all be friends.

It was unlikely, but a small part of Tommy hoped that it would still happen.

And then his burner phone rung.

If he was being honest, he completely forgot about the weird meetings the Villains attended. Nothing much had happened in the Hero and Villain world... but then Alyptid happened. Vulpes happened.

It made sense to why they would all meet up, with everything going on, with a member not only getting caught, but their power getting taken away. That shouldn't even be possible for Prime's sake.

Though, Tommy's kind of relieved that he could finally be able to talk to people who would fully understand just how fucked up this whole Alyptid thing was. He was never given a chance to hash it all out, not even with his roommates. Not yet anyways.

Now he could though. He was quite literally in front of the abandoned building they originally met up in, so even he didn't want to go, it was kind of too late.

With a sigh, Tommy stepped into the same abandoned building and went down the stairs.

He noticed Thorn, Lemon, and Quackity already there. He elected to ignore the empty seat Vulpes would previously sit at.

They all looked over at him, and judging by there body language, he could already tell this meeting wouldn't be lighthearted.

"I'll be right here, Crimson. I'm going to be quiet, but I'll be here if you need anything." Tubbo assured through the comms, seeming to sense Tommy's anxiety.

Tommy silently thanked Tubbo.

"Hey, Crimson." Thorn said. She nodded to the seat he sat at the last meeting he was at. "Please, sit down."

Tommy did just that.

"Right," Thorn started, "I'm sure you guys know what this meeting is about, unless you live under a rock."

"Alyptid and Vulpes." Lemon supplied.

Thorn hummed in confirmation. "Exactly. As we all saw, they created some sort of permanent power remover, and Fundy-"

"Vulpes." Quackity snapped. "Do not call him his real name. If we were in his shoes, would you like to be called by your real name? No, It's disrespectful. So don't call him that."

Tommy forgot for a moment that it wasn't only him who was familiar with Vulpes. Quackity knew the Villain much longer and was much closer with him. It made sense why all of this would be a sensitive matter.

"Okay. Vulpes was injected with it." Thorn backtracked.

"They didn't even look at the concerns over it all," Tommy scoffed. "They didn't even think about the wrongfully accused or accidents or anything. They just decided to do this."

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