I've A Good Heart Albeit Insane

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Tommy was beginning to regret his choices.

He was wary to begin with, but Tubbo and Ranboo insisted on him doing it, so here he was.

He's standing outside the abandoned building Thorn told him to come to for some weird secret meeting as if they're having some weird book club. Maybe they were who knows? Regardless, Tommy didn't really want to go in there.

He wasn't scared or anything.

Okay maybe he's a little scared, but what if he's walking straight into a trap? He knew it's unlikely, but it's smart to be cautious.

"I'll be here if you need me." Tubbo, most likely sensing his fear caution, reassured him. "I'll be quiet while you're speaking with the villains, though. I need to focus on what they're saying and you're not exactly... the best with hiding your emotions whenever I say something through the comms, even with a mask."

Tommy rolled his eyes but didn't reply because he knew Tubbo is a little right.

After taking a few deep breaths and silently thanking his friend for the reassurance, he hesitantly walked into the building.

At first there wasn't much, it was dark and a little creepy. But he noticed a faint light omitting down the stairs, remembering that Thorn mentioned it'll be on the basement level, he went down the flight of stairs, hand hovering near his knife that rests on his belt just in case.

He began to hear chatter when he started walking down the stairs, by the time he reached the end he was surprised at the sight.

About four villains sat a nice big table in the middle of the room. A warm coloured light hangs from the ceiling and pictures of Heroes and the Hero Tower surrounds the room. Tommy took time to observe the other villains. He noticed Thorn, Vulpes, Lemon, and... Jinx.

Every villain's head snapped towards Tommy and it was fucking horrifying to have so many villains' eyes on you, even if you're one of them as well.

"...Hi?" Tommy squeaked and winced in embarrassment to the obvious fear in his voice. Thankfully, his voice changer just made his voice sound glitchy to the others in the room.

"Hello, Crimson." Jinx greeted Tommy.

Honestly, the blonde was surprised that Quackity would ever join some weird ass group of villains to team up against the Hero Tower. With all the people he has under his control, it seemed unneeded.

Although, Quackity was not one to miss out on valuable information, Tommy supposed, and nobody is better at finding some than villains themselves.

It's unknown to most people that Jinx and Crimson has a history together. A lot of people are aware that they treat each other better than most people in the Hero and Villain world, but not to this extent.

They certainly didn't think that the two villains knew each other's identities. But then again, what does the public truly know?

If Quackity and Tommy were suddenly going to meeting up around other villains more frequently, they'll both have to be careful to not slip up.

"Please, have a seat." Thorn motioned to a chair near her, which Tommy sat down in.

"So, what exactly are we doing here? Do we just... talk and share our hatred about the Hero Tower, or what?" The blonde questioned once everyone got comfortable.

"We can." Vulpes replied. "Sometimes we're more formal with matters and trying to figure out different missions heroes may be going on and how we can plan attacks around that, potentially sharing plans, or weaknesses we've learned from the heroes." He explained. "We often just hang around, speak to one other about the problems about being a villain, gaining an alliance with each other, you get the idea."

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