Waste Away All Your Days

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Techno eventually finished showing Tommy around.

The blonde ran into a few heroes and that was not fun. He was just lucky he didn't run into any Council members; Tommy didn't think he could handle the stress.

Techno was much more perceptive than he realized. Hell, Tommy accidentally showed his arm for, what, only a few seconds? And the man instantly noticed his burn.

Even though Tommy made a decent lie to why he had it, he's not sure how he can manage to hide injuries for whenever he's doing crime.

More importantly, how would Tommy hide his identity? Maybe he should spend time around Techno a lot more than the others, so he thinks that Tommy being a villain is completely out of the question.

Or maybe he should try to avoid him like the plague, so he didn't notice anything amiss with Tommy.

But if he did that, would that make Techno suspicious by how much Tommy is avoiding him?

It's all very confusing, and Tommy didn't have the energy to deal with it.

Either way, he should try to get on Techno's good side. Well, he should get on all of the heroes' good side so he could gain information. (And so stabbing them in the back will hurt tenfold.)

Techno's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"So, I think we're supposed to meet Phil and Wilbur in the cafeteria, which is also the last important place I have to show you. Do you have any more questions or are you good to go?" Techno asked.

"I'm good big man, lead the way." Tommy said. Techno nodded and they made their way to floor seventeen, where the cafeteria resided.

And holy shit, the area was huge.

It was pretty open for the most part, besides where the kitchens are. That's right, kitchens. As in plural. There are four fucking kitchens.

Who even needs that many?

Long wooden tables and chairs are placed around the room, just like it's straight out of a classic high school cafeteria, but much nicer.

Techno began walking while Tommy trailed behind him. "This is the cafeteria. Most heroes bring food from their floor, but people who aren't heroes or don't live here either bring their own food and stores it somewhere in the kitchen or gets something from here." The hero explained, walking toward the kitchen.

"Like a lot of others, I bring food, since a lot of the meals here I'm not a fan of." Techno moved to open one of the many refrigerators. "A lot of heroes may just eat on their floor, but people also come here to talk to people, or maybe they just feel like it, I don't really know." He said, while taking out some potato soup.

"Okay, cool." Tommy said. He's probably never going to be here for lunch break anyways. He tended to skip lunch and breakfast due to the cost. It'd be the same situation here, he could just use his break to wander around the tower, looking around for something to use against the heroes.

Techno beelined to a table which the rest of the SBI members were sitting.

It's strange, looking around the room there is quite a few people here, yet everyone else seems to keep their distance from the other two heroes. It's almost like they're on their own little island. Some people closer to them keep glancing at them as if they're going to attack them any given moment. Weird.

Tommy noticed Wilbur kept looking at the people around him to, almost an expression of longing on his face.

What the hell was going on around here?

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