Can We Be Those Heroes Again?

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Tommy blinked at Phil. "I'm sorry, you want me to... what?"

The avian had a sheepish grin "I- we want you to help us with our social media accounts." He repeated, at Tommy's confused look, he sighed. "As you probably know... the SBI doesn't have the strongest reputation." He continues, "But we could change that by you running our social media."

Tommy raised an eyebrow. "And what makes you assume I'm good with this social media shit?"

Phil gave a flat look. "Because you're nineteen! It's in your DNA to know this stuff. Do you really expect Techno, Wil, or especially me to understand any of it?"

"Right." Tommy drew the word out. "Okay, okay, fine. Don't expect me to be amazing at this though." Tommy crossed his arms. "So, what exactly do you want me to do when you say, 'Help us with social media'." He mocked, trying his best to do his best impression of Phil's voice.

The hero rolled his eyes at Tommy's impression with an amused grin but didn't comment on it. "We want you to just post videos of us in the Hero Tower. Like funny moments or us answering questions on twitter. Obviously, ones we are comfortable with, but you get the idea." He explained. "I thought it would be a good idea to get away from the mundane paperwork and writing notes from meetings. It can also be good for your wrist, even if it's not completely healed."

That actually sounds like a good idea, and though Tommy would never admit it, because he likes keeping his job, he cannot stand paperwork or any of the sort. Which kind of sucks, since it's the main part of his job.

The villain smiled. "Yeah, that's awesome, let's do it."

Phil gave a relieved smile. "Good, we weren't too sure if this was the right move." He replied. "We just want people to remember us heroes are people as well." The avian muttered, to which Tommy narrowed his eyes.

Putting that in the back burner, (Prime, he has a lot in the back burner) he carried on as if nothing happened. "Well, would you like me to start this up these accounts now?" He questioned.

"Oh, we already have accounts on Twitter and Instagram. We don't really post on them though, except Wilbur." Spoke Phil.

Tommy nodded, "We should make a big team account that you three can use the most. It'll probably get the most views and followers since it's all three of you." He pondered. "You guys should have your own accounts as well, but that can obviously be centered around just whoever that account is for. I think that'll help with your guys' social status across the districts."

"Okay, I won't lie, I barely understand how this stuff works-"

Tommy snorts. "-You're old." He cut in.

"-But," He continues with an amused glare. "I'm glad you can help, even if you're knowledge may be a little limited. You can start with it now if you'd like. I only ask of you to make sure you have permission before posting or updating anything."

"Of course." Tommy responds. "I'll do my thing now. Starting with the main SBI account." At Phil's nod, he went to leave the room.

This is going to be quite a struggle. It's a good idea, Tommy will give them that, but Prime, it'll be hard. The SBI has a reputation, a bad one. The public doesn't like them much for their abilities, besides Phil. Yet, the heroes don't like the man for whatever reason. Maybe there is more than meets the eye.

Fuck, he'll have to think about that later, like everything else, apparently.

He's been determined to try and get some one-on-one time with Techno to 'casually' ask him about the whole library situation, but the man is always so damn busy, or surrounded by the rest of the SBI and Tommy would rather borderline interrogate Techno about it alone, thank you very much.

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