You Wanna Find Peace Of Mind

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"We need to go," Tommy announced the second he barged into the room. Ranboo and Tubbo were clearly startled, both of them playing Mario Kart together in Ranboo's the room, on top of two bean bags, one green and the other red before being interrupted. "Like, right fucking now guys."

"What?" Tubbo asked, standing up from the bean bag. "Tommy, what's wro-"

Tommy heard voices. Fuck. Fuck. "No time. Guys, I'm serious. Let's go."

Both Ranboo and Tubbo were analyzing his face, trying to understand his reaction.

One second.


"Okay," Ranboo agreed as he stood up, "can we pack, or-?"

"No," Tommy answered, turning around to make sure that the SBI wouldn't try anything. "Fuck, how are we going to get out?" He asked, more to himself than anything. He slammed the door behind him and locked it, hoping it'd buy them some time.

Tubbo frowned, obviously was going to ask another question.

Tommy scanned the room, locking eyes on the window. Perfect. He ran up to it, quickly opening it. His heart sank, realizing it was too high for them. They were on the third floor, which he totally forgot, so he would be lucky if they didn't at the least break their ankles.

Knocking on the door. "Tommy?" Phil said.

And before the blonde knew it, he was hyperventilating, walking backwards in dread. "We can't leave. We're stuck here and-" more knocking on the door. He put his hand on his mouth. "Shit."

"Uh," Ranboo chimed in. "Did you forget I can teleport?"

Tommy snapped his head to them. In all honesty, yeah it kind of slipped his mind over the hectic events going on. "What are you waiting for then?" He asked. "Fucking, do it!"

Idly, he heard shuffling on the other side of the door and muffled arguing, but he was too invested in his current situation to care. Tommy was walking to Ranboo until he heard,

"Open the door," Wilbur commanded.

And Tommy froze.

The words had no effect on him, of course. But two people in the room weren't immune. He slowly glanced up to Ranboo, whose eyes were glossed over and his expression blank. Tommy bit the inside of his cheek. He quickly looked over to Tubbo, but his friend was doing the exact same thing.

It was then that Tommy realized that he had never actually seen Wilbur using his power on someone. It was then that Tommy realized how truly terrifying it was.

Ranboo shoved the Villain out of the way and made their way to the door, with Tubbo following along. They moved smoothly and quickly, like they were robots following orders.

"Fuck, wait." Tommy grabbed Ranboo's arm. "Stop, please. Ranboo, come on." His friend was just dragging him along, even when Tommy was trying with all his might to make Ranboo stop, it only slowed the hybrid down a little. It was useless. It was even more useless that he was so focused on not letting Ranboo get to the door that Tubbo had already made it and was opening it. "Tubbo!"

The door was open. All three former Heroes were standing there, Wilbur and Phil at the front and Techno at the back, watching them with worried expressions, of all things.

Tubbo and Ranboo were instantly back to normal, like the haze they were under didn't even happen. They both look disoriented and unsure of themselves. It was weird seeing Tubbo, out of anyone, like that.

And it was because of Wilbur.

Wilbur wasn't afraid to use his power to stop Tommy from leaving.

So, what would Phil do?

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