There's No Cause For Concern

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"Wilbur, please," Tommy whined, "I'm bored!"

Wilbur sighed as he looked up from his laptop, attempting to finish up the last of his work. "Read a book or something," he replied.

"A book? Are you fucking crazy? Only nerds like Techno read." The blonde said. "I just want to do something! I haven't been out of this tower in nearly a week, can't we go to the mall or get ice-cream or do something fun?!"

Wilbur considered this. It's fair that Tommy was a little restless currently, and that he wanted to do more. They had been keeping him in the tower as if he's Rapunzel and they're Mother Gothel. If he was in the intern's shoes, he'd certainly want to do something.

The truth was, Wilbur was nervous. He didn't want to go outside, and he certainly didn't want Tommy to go outside either. It was no secret to the rest of the SBI or Tommy that he had a fear for Crimson, and now the Villain directly threatened him to Phil. And yet, that wasn't the worst of it, because that bastard decided to involve Tommy.

It was fucked. The Villain was involving someone Wilbur cared about because the world loved to see him suffer. Because of that, the SBI refused to let Tommy leave this tower just in case.

Tommy clearly wasn't happy about it all, not that Wilbur blamed him. At first, the blonde was shaken up at Crimson threatening him, but it seemed that the fear wore off, since he was so desperate to go outside.

"Fine," Wilbur said. "We're not going to do anything crazy though, and it'll be a short thing too. We'll... walk around the park about ten minutes away, how about that?"

"And then get ice-cream?" Tommy asked hopefully.

"Don't push your luck."

The intern deflated. "Okay."

Wilbur smiled softly. "You know," he started, "we could go to the food truck in that park instead. I think they have tacos. If you want to, of course."

Just like that, Tommy lit up again. "Yes!" He cheered before grabbing Wilbur's hand, trying to drag him along. "Let's go!"

Wilbur pushed his laptop to the side. He'd do his work later, he decided. "Alright, alright, I'm coming."

Tommy snickered at the brunette's sentence, to which Wilbur rolled his eyes in amusement. "Real mature," he snarked. "We should've known earlier you were a sixteen-year-old. You have the exact same humour as them all."

"Hey!" Tommy squawked. "I do not, I am a big man with an amazing sense of humour that you simply can not understand."

"Sure," Wilbur drawled. "Are we going to go, or what?"

Tommy blinked, as if he forgot about their whole plan. "Oh. Yeah! Come on!"

Wilbur laughed and allowed Tommy to drag him to the elevator. "Okay Toms, let's go to the park."


They drove to the park to take a walk, and Techno would probably say to Wilbur, 'what's the point of a walk if you're going to drive there?' But it would've taken an hour to get there without his vehicle, so he would do what he wanted, no matter what Techno hypothetically said.

Tommy looked around the park, obviously marvelling at it. Wilbur raised an eyebrow, "you're acting like you've never seen a park before," he joked.

"I haven't seen one so nice," Tommy replied, "can you blame me? Look at this place!"

Wilbur did in fact look around to see what exactly Tommy was talking about. It was a nice park, there was no denying it, but it was still just a park. "...Okay? What about it?"

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