Why Do You Have To Be So Cold And Uninviting

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So, Tommy should've clocked that Phil would tell Wilbur and Techno. Why wouldn't he? They were family and were all in the same boat.

The only issue with it was that they all seemed to have a cloud of anxiety hanging over their heads after that talk Phil and Tommy had.

He didn't blame them. It forced them to face their morality head on when deciding whether or not to be a Villain. It would be throwing everything they knew before and stepping on it.

It would be a tough decision for them, so that was why Tommy had to convince them. He knew he wouldn't get far without sharing his side of the argument. They may realize how fucked up the Hero Tower was, especially with how Wilbur nearly lost his powers, but even then, having to untangle all the thoughts ingrained in your head from society and the Heroes wasn't that easy. Tommy knew that judging by how they all reacted to him suggesting for them to become Villains.

Nobody had spoken a word about it yet, but the talk was only a few days ago. Maybe they were all waiting on Tommy to say something.

It always had to be him, didn't it?


Being a Villain was his strength, though, so he supposed he understood where they were coming from by being so hesitant. Still, it didn't make it any less annoying.

He managed to gather the three Heroes in the living room. It was then that he realized that he did not at all have a plan for this.

Shit. Times like this, he really wished he would bother thinking ahead.

They were all staring at him, waiting for him to say something, but he didn't really know what. He felt like he was a salesman trying to sell customers some new product.

Tommy cleared his throat. "I think you guys should become Villains with me."

None of them looked the least bit surprised of him announcing this to them. But they all stayed silent, still waiting for more.

Were they really going to not put him out of his misery and reply? He would've thought that Wilbur would at least be talking.

Fuck it. Who was Tommy kidding, anyway? He wasn't some salesman trying to sell customers something, he was their family. They knew who he was and where his morals stood. He didn't need to give out a fancy speech, he just needed to talk to them.

He slumped; the tension he didn't realize he was holding in his shoulders disappearing. "I know you guys don't like the idea of being Villains because of your morals or whatever, but it can help you."

They didn't reply to that. It wasn't for any rude reasons, but with their frowns and uncertainty in their eyes, it was clear that they just didn't know how.

Tommy remembered how Quackity felt, when the man told him about his desire to be a Villain. He was hesitant and unsure of how to explain it to the blonde, something of which Tommy still hadn't seen much of the charismatic man to this day. Quackity even admitted himself later that it was one of the most difficult things he ever prepared for. He didn't want to disappoint the kid he grew up with. Tommy remembered thinking that was stupid. Quackity could never disappoint him after seeing him building Las Nevadas from the ground up. He looked up to the man perhaps more than he should've. Times have changed though. He wasn't a dumb little kid anymore, and when Quackity and Tommy did drift apart, he realized that even if it was someone you loved more than anything, you could still feel disappointed from them.

He felt the disappointment and anger and resentment when he revealed who he was to his family. He felt how they looked at him like he was an enemy. He wondered how they felt now, since Tommy was not only shoving it in their face his views on morality and the Hero Tower, but also trying to get them to feel the same way.

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