Just Don't Let The Good Life Pass You By

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Tommy was really starting to regret that bank robbery he did.

Well, he didn't regret it, because of said bank robbery they'd be able to pay rent.

But... maybe he should've been more careful and maybe it wasn't the smartest idea fighting the heroes just for the fun of it.

Tommy's currently on the subway, going to district one because apparently, he got the fucking job.

Now, that part wasn't the problem.

Scratch that, that was part of the problem because Tommy still didn't really want to work there.

But the main issue was that he had a big bruise on his left eye. Luckily, Tommy found a way to hide it with some cheap make-up he bought yesterday. It's not perfect, but it's pretty well covered.

It had been two days since he found out he's getting the job and he was not exactly happy with the heroes he's working with.

Turns out, he'd be working for the SBI and wasn't that just horrifying?

Tommy's not one to care much about what the public has to say about the heroes, usually being wrong and too blinded by their love for the heroes to realize the actual problems.

But he could agree with the public that the SBI were scary. I mean seriously, blood manipulation as a power? Do you really think that any hero should have that ability? It belongs to a villain. Not even to mention's The Blade's ruthlessness towards others.

Quackity stumbling home, there's so much blood. There's so much blood. There's so much blood. Help him, help him before he bleeds out and dies.

Tommy shook the thought out of his head and tried to think more about his newfound employers.

Siren's ability of being able to control anyone also wasn't pleasant either. While Tommy couldn't get controlled, the fact that someone had the power to make nearly anyone to be so out of control from their own body they're practically a zombie is concerning.

The only person in the trio that wasn't that scary is Zephyrus, or Phil, as he liked to be called. The man can simply fly, so that hero isn't much of a worry, unlike his two friends.

Obviously, Tommy would have to act as if he's completely unbothered with The Blade and Siren. They'd probably not do anything to Tommy, and if worse comes to worst, the blonde could defend himself if needed, even if people wonder why's he's to skilled with combat.

While Tommy wasn't scared of the SBI because he's such a big man, that's a lie, he's a little scared out of all the heroes, they're the most terrifying out of them all.

Regardless of what happened, Tommy knew he can put on a good act to these heroes, at least by pretending he wasn't slightly scared of them. Although, it would be much easier if he could wear a mask rather than having to keep his emotions in check.

The thing about having separate identities from your villain and civilian identities... you felt way too exposed often. When you're in your civilian identity, you couldn't wear anything protective or have weapons on you. You're completely vulnerable for the world to see, and Tommy didn't like it.

It's probably just his mind being annoying, Phil seemed sweet, and The Blade was... awkward but in an amusing way. They wouldn't do shit. Probably. Hopefully.

He just hoped it'll be the same case with Siren. He had yet to meet the man, besides when he stabbed him in the leg... which wasn't a good start.

It's fine, he didn't know Tommy is Crimson, otherwise the blonde would be behind bars right now.

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