One Day Our Senses Will Wither Away

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Wilbur hadn't been having a good time.

His mind felt like a whirling pool of emotions, completely unsure how to feel because of... everything.

He couldn't even process that he murdered someone before Phil killed Dream, and then Tommy happened on top of that.

And because of everything going on, he still hadn't been able to cope with himself murdering someone. In fact, Wilbur felt disgusted with himself for it all, even if the person was a criminal.

Then he learned it was all for nothing, because even if it was Tommy in that situation, the teen could've defended himself fine. Wilbur made sacrifices for nothing. His life that he built had slipped through his hands and had become exactly what everyone said it would be. A life of a Villain. A life of a murderer.

He wasn't a Villain, though. He didn't want to take down the Hero Tower. He didn't want to hurt anyone. Wilbur was just tired and scared and still so confused.

Wilbur had now been shoved into this admittedly nice hotel room that a Villain granted him access to, because the guy was apparently buddy-buddy with Tommy, or whatever their weird dynamic was. He didn't want to be here, no matter how nice it was. He wanted to go home.

Not that the one that he had would ever be his home again.

Then there was fucking Tommy. He didn't know how he felt about Tommy. Not after everything.

The amount of trauma Tommy had given him was a little humiliating. Especially when Wilbur realized that Tommy knew how scared he was of the Villain. So yeah, it was humiliating, but it also pissed him off at the same time.

Tommy would sit there and listen to Wilbur's fears and rambles as if he wasn't the one causing all of it.

Wilbur knew the blonde felt guilty, and did actually give a shit about him, so at least there wasn't any malicious intent. For a while. But there was during the beginning, which was... unsettling to think about.

Tommy did explain his reasoning for the main things. The guilt he felt from Wilbur's fear, the pain he felt from his past, the anger he held towards the Hero Tower, the threatening.

But that didn't excuse his actions.

That didn't take back the nightmares Wilbur got from Crimson, the lies, or the manipulation, even if it hadn't happened it a while.

For that, Wilbur couldn't forgive Tommy.

But the teen had felt remorse for quite some time towards the SBI, and Wilbur did think that he could forgive Tommy someday. Not now, definitely not now, but maybe in the future.

Unfortunately, he was still stuck with Tommy in a relatively small space, which was about the last thing he wanted to happen.

Wilbur was relieved that Tommy was actually able to help get them a place to stay, but him having to be around Wilbur wasn't the man's idea of fun.

He was still a little afraid of Tommy. After the hug the Villain gave him, he was surer that Tommy wouldn't do anything to him. Even from a logical standpoint, he knew that Tommy wouldn't try anything, especially when Techno and Phil were around. But his mind seemed to disagree.

When Tommy got a little too close, fear would – well, it wouldn't necessarily grip Wilbur, but it had more of a loose grasp on him. He felt tense around Tommy, waiting for the blonde to hurt Wilbur in someway and he couldn't do anything about it because Tommy was fucking immune to the brunette's voice.

The hotel room was nice. So that was the one plus to it all, Wilbur supposed. And for a hotel room, it was massive too.

Everyone had gotten situated in their own rooms, as there were three separate rooms that could be connected if you had the key for each door, which they did. Everyone seemed to either be organizing themselves, or distancing from the rest of the people.

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