You Want Me To Lie, Not Break Your Heart

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It didn't take long for Wilbur and Phil to practically drag Techno to another room and try to convince him to not agree.

"Come on, mate. You can't agree to something unless you're sure, and this isn't exactly a simple decision!" Phil pointed out, pacing around in Techno's room. Wilbur was sitting down on the armchair in the corner of his room, nodding along to Phil's words.

Techno, who was sitting on his bed, shrugged. "Who said I wasn't sure?"

Both of them paused, like the words were too much to take in. Which, yeah, was warranted.


"What?" Wilbur responded, his eyes widening. "You're... sure?"

"I wouldn't agree otherwise."

The brunette gaped. "You do realize what Tommy is asking us to do, right? He may string the words together to look not half as bad as he said, but he is asking for us to basically kill our old co-workers."

Wilbur was always good at picking up what people were really saying. No matter how elegantly they may put it, he could see right through the pretty words and understand that they were wanting something ugly from him. Techno suspected this was because Wilbur had been the person putting the pretty words together. Wilbur flat out saying what Tommy was truly asking them to do made Techno wince a little, even when he knew what was going to happen regardless.

"He's asking for us to end a flawed system of injustice," Techno corrected. Then, knowing Wilbur would see right through that, he added after a beat, "and yes that may be by killing our old co-workers." His brother scoffed, but Techno continued, "I was on the fence too, but think about us! We can't live our lives like this forever, stuck in a house that we're already sick of."

"So, you're destroying the government for solely selfish reasons?" Wilbur asked.

"Not solely, just mostly."

Wilbur threw his hands up in the air. "I can't believe this," he muttered.

Phil stared at Techno, as if he could figure out what's going on in his head by just looking at him. He took a deep breath, "Techno-"

"I don't need a motivational talk if that's what you're trying to do." The hybrid interrupted, and by the look on Phil's face, that was exactly what the man was trying to do. "I made my decision." He got up from his bed. "And between Tommy, me, those two nerds, and that Villain group, the Hero Tower's already screwed." He bit the inside of the cheek, and ugh, this was kind of mushy, but he may as well say it if it may give his family more motivation to join him. "I'd just like to see you guys on our side when we're victorious," he admitted quietly, before scurrying out of his room.

And great, now he didn't have anywhere to go since his family had taken over his room. Where was he supposed to go that said, 'please don't socialize with me'?

The safest option would probably be taking a walk. Leaving the house would be the best way to not have Wilbur or Phil trying to find him and reason with him, which was the last thing he wanted.

So, he put on some shoes and left.

He looked around, being surrounded by trees. He couldn't decide whether he liked that or not. He liked quiet. He was a quiet person, but living somewhere so remote wasn't something he was used to. He lived in the bustling city for most of his life, and if he didn't live there because of the foster homes, he'd at least be in the suburbs, not in the middle of the forest.

Still, something about it felt oddly nostalgic. He'd never been this surrounded by nature in his life, but perhaps in another life he would have been. He liked the peacefulness, but it was not for him. Not in this timeline. He needed to be where people were. Even if he didn't enjoy people, he found himself needing them in some weird way.

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