I Didn't Know The Depth Yet

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2 days prior.

Techno had been feeling stressed, more stressed than he had been in what felt like forever.

When he found out about Crimson's threats to Phil, he was internally freaking out.

Wilbur was much worse. With his fear of Crimson, it was bad enough as was. But now, Crimson seemed to have confidential information about the SBI that only the Hero Tower knew, that left the brunette to be panicking.

Phil, meanwhile, seemed shaken, not exactly panicking, but he was clearly not doing well. He wasn't reacting to much and had this look in his eyes that he was horrified for what was to come, not that Techno blamed him.

Techno himself was also unnerved by this. He was at a loss for what he should be doing. The main question was how. How did Crimson possibly know about their bond? He couldn't for the life of him figure it out.

It just left him more and more confused whenever he tried to think about it. And he was left trying to comfort his brother and his father when he had no idea how to do so. He himself was a mess as well, he could just conceal it.

The other two didn't realize that he was freaking out either and it's fine. He didn't blame them; he wasn't known for getting emotional. He was Techno, logical and strategical at fault.

But it did make his heart ache just a little whenever they forgot that they were not the only people dealing with their feelings. It made sense why they weren't aware about it. They both weren't in the right state of mind and couldn't bother worry over someone else. That left Techno to attempt to pick up the puzzle pieces and calm them down.

Key word. Attempt.

He failed miserably. They only calmed down because none of them could afford panicking for hours on end to the point where they couldn't do anything.

Maybe 'calmed down' wasn't the right words. They all looked like they were calm but was still internally panicking.

And then... Tommy.

Tommy who was loud and funny. Tommy who was powerless and vulnerable. Tommy who was threatened by Crimson.

If they were freaking out over Crimson knowing about them being family, they were a wreck by Crimson knowing about who their intern was.

It's not like it is classified information for the public to know who's the rest of the staff within the Hero Tower, so it didn't seem strange to how Crimson knew who he was. But to bring an intern, who is hardly involved in the Hero and Villain world saved for being a worker? Crimson had no right to involve Tommy when he was just an innocent civilian.

Yet he did. Not only that, but the Villain was also threatening Phil to do what he asked, otherwise either Wilbur, Techno, or Tommy would get hurt. It's slightly unsettling that he was being threatened, sure, and Wilbur certainly wasn't handling it well, but Tommy?

It's more terrifying than Techno wanted to admit.

Of course, they couldn't tell Tommy just how scared they were. They didn't want to worry him by freaking out especially when Techno knew that Tommy was also afraid of Crimson, so they tried their best to keep their cool. The SBI agreed that he had a right to know the threats in case the Villain ever attempted to do anything, and they also had to tell him why he's having to move in with them for however long until everything blows over. Which would hopefully be within the week.

Techno wanted to put Crimson in jail, maybe even Pandora's Box. And he wanted to do it soon.

Because he threatened people he cared deeply about. People who are family.

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