We All Vowed That We Wouldn't Stay

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In Tommy's defence, he was tense after his first week.

And he thought he did a decent job at work. He didn't find too much information this week, well, except for SBI being fucking family, but either than that, nothing too interesting.

He did find out that Technoblade was surprisingly perceptive and managed to discover his injury.

But it was fine! Probably. Hopefully.

Tommy thinks he had every right blowing off some steam.

Most people think that when Tommy went out as 'Crimson', he's trying to pull off some big heist, and while he often does that, that's not all the villain did.

See, every once in a while, Tommy would just go out to fight. Whether that be vigilantes, heroes, or even other villains. Is it dangerous and risky? Absolutely! But it just felt nice to be able to go at it, not having to keep up pleasantries and lies to the people around him, and finally being able to use his power is always a big relief.

One of the few downsides to being a prodigy is that if you didn't use your powers at least once every few days, it would begin to bother you. Most people compare it to an itch you can't scratch.

For Tommy, it burns. It's almost as if the universe knows he wasn't a good person and trying to make him face the consequences.

Though if that was the case, it's pretty counterproductive. All it did was make him feel the need to go out as a villain so he can get rid of the burning sensation.

Tommy had a pretty good theory to why that happened. When he lived on the street, he was forced to push his powers to the limits protecting himself. It didn't help that his powers were so weak at the time since he just grew into them.

Because his body became so used to his using his powers so often at so young, it began to feel more and more natural to use them so often.

It's almost like withdrawal. His body relied on him using his powers so often, stopping just feels painful because he's just so used it.

Anyways, after a lot of convincing to his two roommates, Tommy was thrilled to go out and kick some heroes' ass.

That wasn't the case.

Well, he did kick some vigilante's ass instead, Rewind. While his power didn't work on Tommy, apparently, he could turn back time to before the villain's gadgets were made, which was very annoying and made half of his supplies on his belt useless.

The tools came back within ten minutes, though because of his lack of supplies, he got a nasty sprain on his right hand because of it.

Who knew Rewind's weird staff would hurt his hand that much?

Whatever, Tommy was just casually walking around the empty street, on his way to get home, when he ran into the villain Thorn.

It wasn't the first time the blonde has ran into her. He'd met her a handful of times, they never have had anything against each other, but at the end of the day, they're both villains. You cannot trust each other, even if you are relatively on the same side.

Tommy was going to simply give her a wave, not seeing any reason to have a discussion with her, but before he could do that, she spoke to him.

"Hey Crimson, I've been trying to speak to you for the last little bit. But it's been quite a task to try and reach you." Tommy stopped in his tracks to look at her.

Fucking great. Tommy just really wanted to get home, he's tired and his hand is hurting like a bitch.

"Oh? Whatever for?" The blonde asked. Thorn didn't have any reason to be mad at him... he thought. There probably wasn't much to worry about, though he can't help the way his heart dropped when she said that sentence.

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