I Made A Fire, I'm Watching It Burn

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Tommy didn't think he was being unreasonable for his nervousness.

He was nearly certain that Wilbur and Phil would be discovering who he was tonight, so forgive him for being a little terrified at that thought.

Techno was vague on the phone in case someone was listening in when he explained that he needed help and also reassuring that he was, you know, not dead.

Fair, but annoying.

It was fine. Tommy got the memo; come in as Crimson to save their asses from whatever bullshit they'd done.

Tommy had no idea what the happened but judging by the way Techno reacted through the phone, and then insisted that they needed connections from him, Crimson. Yeah, it couldn't be pretty.

He honestly wouldn't be surprised if they committed a crime.

Or, more likely, the Heroes found something they could use against the SBI, even when they were probably innocent, and were trying to prove just how horrible they were.

Those pricks were so convinced that the SBI were evil that'd the Heroes would probably try to frame them to look bad. Royal was convinced that Techno was evil to the point that she didn't bother to add padding so he would be more vulnerable to the Villains, so the bar was pretty low for the Heroes' morals towards the SBI.

Prime, Tommy would never understand how any of them could stand being jerked around like that for years on end, treated like garbage. It infuriated him to see them not do anything about it.

Though Tommy did have a feeling that he wouldn't have much of a problem with that anymore seeing as Techno asked 'Crimson' for help.

"Are we going to be there soon?" Tubbo complained.

Tommy rolled his eyes. This was why Tubbo was the man in the chair. Too whiney to be out on the field. "Yes, we'll be there in, like, five minutes." He shot both a stern look despite them not being able to see it with his mask. "And you guys know what to do when we get there?"

Tubbo crossed his arms. "Gee, I don't know, how about you explain it for the one thousandth time?"

"Good point. Sorry."

Tommy had profusely explained the plan, but he was nervous. Sue him.

The plan being, his friends needed to be out of Wilbur's and Phil's line of sight no matter what. Techno wasn't as much as a problem, seeing as he already knew of Tommy's alias. But the other two would surely question why Tommy's two friends were hanging around Crimson willingly.

At this point, the truth was going to get out real soon, so he guessed it didn't matter too much. But he would rather not tell them via Tubbo and Ranboo hanging around Crimson.

At least when the secret did get out, Wilbur and Phil at least had some sort of familiarity with his friends, as he was pretty sure all six of them would be around each other for a while.

After seeing how negatively the SBI reacted to Ranboo and Tubbo, he attempted to push them in the right direction by begging his roommates on his hands and knees to spend their days off at the Hero Tower, hopefully making the three like them.

Which... Tommy think worked.

Wilbur stopped glaring at them. Phil stopped giving them curt answers when there was any attempt at small talk. Techno wasn't as cold and analytic towards them.

If anything, they started acting like friends, which was a relief. Tommy didn't know how much longer he could bear the three trying to convince him to confess how terrible his friends supposedly were and how they were using him for money.

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