You Got Blood On Your Face, You Big Disgrace

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Tommy didn't realize just how boring it would be hiding in the Hero Tower for a solid three hours.

Over the burner phone, they finished up a few more touches to their plan the past two weeks. They would show up as their civilian identity at different and enter through the lobby, staging as a guest. Then, they would meet at floor eighty-seven at 2:00am in their Villain suits, though they should get in their hiding spots around midnight.

Tommy wore a cheap sweater, and some sweats over top his Villain suit while having his mask, belt, and supplies in a backpack. He changed under a desk – which was really uncomfortable and hard to do – then stuffed his civilian clothes in the bag.

The Villains were hiding around certain places, mostly under desks in their Villain suits near the camera room. They were waiting for it to be 2:00am and begin to attack. Tommy wasn't really known for being a patient person. So for him, this was hell.

The walkie-talkies Quackity brought for everyone to communicate beeped quietly before Thorn said, "two minutes, guys. Get ready."


He hoped that they would be careful, the last heist at the Hero Tower didn't end well, unfortunately. Tommy just had to be quick and try not to act like himself which would be hard, but he had no choice.

Techno was definitely onto him. He had the right idea of looking through the staff members to see if Crimson could be one of them today, and that terrified Tommy.

He tried his best to throw Techno off without looking too suspicious, but he ended up being unsuccessful. The man was very sure of himself for whatever reason, and dread sunk through Tommy's stomach because of it.

He wasn't ready for anyone to know about who he truly was. He'd never be ready. Tommy was going to have to tell the SBI eventually or he'd have to kill them, and he just couldn't bear to kill them but... he just wasn't ready for them to hate him either. He wasn't ready for them to fear him, or to recoil in disgust of who he truly was. It was selfish, but he couldn't fucking do it.

"Alright, let's do this. Get out from your spots slowly to make sure there's no Heroes." Thorn instructed. "When the coast of clear, we need to hurry to go to the camera room. The longer cameras are on us, the more likely one of the camera people will spot us."

Tommy nodded, despite not her being able to see him and grabbed his bag before slowly got out from his hiding spot, looking around the room to see if anyone else was there. Besides his fellow Villains, they were alone.

"Why do you have that bag?" Quackity asked him.

Tommy shrugged, "how else am I going to store the vials? Plus, I am not losing perfectly good sweater and sweatpants for this mission."

"Can we go now?" Thorn hissed, causing them to startle, but nod.

They rushed to the camera room, Tommy grabbing Henry from his belt. Before they entered the room, he stopped them. "Wait, guys, do we have an exact plan to tie them up?"

"Uh." Quackity faltered. "I thought we'd beat them up."

Tommy shook his head. "No, they could alert someone."

"Why didn't you tell us about this beforehand?!" Thorn whisper-yelled.

Tommy winced. "I might have forgotten," he replied, causing her to groan. "It's okay though. Just wait here and I'll quietly crack the door open and put this bad boy's smoke in there." He waved Henry around, showing it off to the Villains.

"And what does that do?" She asked, unimpressed.

He grinned. "It's an amnesiac gun." He turned around and slowly opened the door to the camera room, praying it wouldn't creak.

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