So Have You Got The Guts?

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"TOMMY!" Tubbo screamed, running up to the blonde and hugging him. "I felt like I haven't seen you in forever boss man!" He said, despite it only being a few days.

Tubbo and Ranboo were visiting the Hero Tower. Tommy mentioned to them that they were allowed to come over if they felt like it, but to make sure they appeared a little scared over the whole Crimson situation. They surprisingly seemed excited with the idea, mainly to be able to see the Villain for the first time in the past few days, not including the five minutes he was at the apartment for grabbing and putting back his suit.

The SBI were still hesitant about letting them into the Hero Tower, but they still agreed regardless. Now they're officially meeting his friends for the first time, which was going to be painfully awkward.

Tommy made sure to inform the two about the SBI's thoughts of them. It might be helpful information for later on, after all. He told his roommates to pretend to be clueless about the Heroes thoughts though, he's sure the Heroes wouldn't share as many of their thoughts or feelings if he told the people they suspect information.

Tubbo and Ranboo didn't react badly from hearing what the SBI thought about them, they were shocked and slightly disgusted at the thought of them abusing Tommy, but they found the theory of them possibly being drunks funny.

And they knew what to expect when coming into the Hero Tower now. They knew the SBI would be dissecting their every move.

"Hey Tubso." Tommy greeted, pulling back from the hug. Ranboo came over a moment later smiling at them. "How are you two?"

Tubbo shrugged. "The usual, I guess."

"Hi," Phil piped up. Both Tubbo and Ranboo seemed startled one of the Heroes actually wanted to talk to them so quickly. "You probably know us as Zephyrus, Siren, and The Blade, but please just call us by our real names. I'm Phil, this is Techno and Wilbur." He gestured at the other two Heroes when saying their names.

"Oh, hi. I'm Tubbo and this is Ranboo." He introduced, pointing at Ranboo. "We're Tommy's roommates and friends, though you probably know that."

Phil nodded. "Yes, Tommy has talked about you a few times."

"Nothing bad, I hope." Tubbo joked.

Phil awkwardly chuckled. "No, no he hasn't."

A beat.

Tommy clapped, causing Ranboo to flinch. "Alright! My favourite people all in the same room," he wished he could say he was lying. "We're going to do so many bonding activities, like playing Monopoly, watching movies, doing some karaoke." He listed, keeping his tone light.

"Actually, I think before we do anything fun, we should talk about what your roommates' living situation is going to be." Wilbur said.

"What do you mean? Are we not going back to our apartment?" Ranboo spoke up.

"Well... no." Wilbur replied. "We forgot about the fact that Tommy had roommates," Tommy narrowed his eyes but didn't call the brunette out on his lie. He glanced at Ranboo and Tubbo and their body language became much more guarded. "So we didn't think about your guys' safety when we heard about the Crimson situation." Wilbur winced. "That sounds bad. It didn't cross our mind that you-"

"Okay!" Phil interrupted. "How about I explain this?" Tommy's roommates hesitantly nodded. "We were worried over Tommy's wellbeing when the Crimson ordeal began. Because of that, we were so focused on whether or not he was safe. We didn't think about anyone else in the situation, and forgot you were living where we were so adamant on Tommy leaving. I'm sorry, that was wrong of us as Heroes." He apologized. "I do hope you can forgive me, but regardless, you'll be safe now."

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