Better To Be Laughed At Than Wrong

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Remember that 'huge meeting' Techno was talking about? Yeah, that was today.

Though, it's more of an 'announcement', not a meeting. Apparently, the Council members were supposed to announce something, but in reality, the Hero Tower were the people who were pushing for this thing.

See, while the Heroes did play incredibly important roles to the government and all, the real people in control were the people who ran the Hero Tower. It was quite literally a government.

Originally, the Hero Tower was just some small organization the government started, to not only try to get rid of people's fear of Prodigies, but to be able to protect the districts more. Then it slowly got bigger and bigger until there was a cabinet of the original politicians who pushed for creating the 'Heroes' and the Hero Tower.

Now, they were the ones who had complete control. The cabinet members were morally ambiguous at best, and practically Villains at worst, though wasn't that all politicians in general?

Many Heroes didn't have much control over the government, which led others to wonder why Villains would go after them if they didn't seem like the issue.

But people seem to forget that these Heroes were enablers, not only did they allow this behaviour, but they were also the cause of it. They didn't care about the flaws, not enough to do shit about it, instead they work for the corrupt system.

And the Council members were much worse than most Heroes.

The Council members consisted of the Dream Team, along with The Captain, and Awesamdude. Unlike the Dream Team, the other two Heroes do push for changes. The Captain more so than Awesamdude, but they both do nonetheless which Tommy appreciated.

The thing with the Council members was that they had actual control over the say of the Hero Tower, they're essentially the Hero Tower's mascots. Being the perfect, amazing, and kind-hearted Heroes, that everyone should've strived to be.

They didn't have as much power as most of the cabinet, but they certainly had more say than most. Apparently, the cabinet wanted a 'Hero perspective' on their laws and whatnot, and it's absolute bullshit.

Now the Council members were announcing something that's supposedly a big deal, and Tommy couldn't help but be suspicious.

He wasn't required to go, he did feel the need to since it could benefit him being there and learning more information rather than seeing it behind a screen. Maybe he could ask questions about whatever it was, that might be helpful.

The Hero Tower had been hyping up this meeting for the past few days, why, Tommy wish he knew. He assumed it was going to be something pretty important by the way they keep bringing it up.

There was supposed to be cameras there to broadcast this announcement all to the public. Tommy couldn't understand why they're going to be showing it live to the public without notifying the Heroes what this whole thing was about, it was a little stupid, but whatever, it's not like the Hero Tower was known for their brains.

Tommy was forced to get ready because Phil told him that if he wanted to come see it live, he'd have to look 'proper'. He quickly argued that he didn't have any proper clothes, to which the avian gave him some old dress pants and a long sleeve white shirt, claiming it used to be Wilbur's. It felt weird having something so nice on him, when he usually wore ratty clothes that were from a thrift shop, most likely passed over to several people. He wasn't used to it, and he feared potentially ruining it.

But surprisingly, none of this was at the top of his mind, what was at the top of his mind was that he realized he did like the SBI. And okay, yeah, part of him knew that he liked them to begin with, he wasn't a total idiot, despite what Tubbo said. But now it was out in the open. He couldn't just shove down those feelings and pretend like everything was fine, everything was normal, because it wasn't. Admitting that he liked the three Heroes really made it click together, but it was making everything worse.

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