But My Voice Won't Be Heard

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Tommy was standing in front of the Hero Tower.

He must go to work for obvious reasons, but he found himself unable to move. Tommy knew that he'll be late if he doesn't go in the building soon, but he just can't.

Not only had he recently discovered Wilbur's fear for his alias which he may feel a tad guilty about. But after the events that took place yesterday, he really did not want to move.

He didn't kill Techno. He had the perfect chance, yet he didn't kill Techno.


That's the question he'd been asking himself again and again. Why?

It's because he was tired, right? That must be it. Because he didn't know what he'd do if that's not the case.

The lie wasn't even believable to him. He knew it's something else, but he couldn't figure it out for the life of him.

He's just glad he's able to hide his bruises on his face from when Techno was beating the shit out of him. Who knew that cheap makeup Tommy bought for covering his injuries somewhat work?

Hopefully, nobody will notice his makeup. Tommy's noticed Techno looking at him often, as if to figure out all his secrets. He'd probably be okay though, since the man didn't notice it last time.

Realizing he was now late for work, he shoved down all his thoughts about Techno and Wilbur while stepping into the Hero Tower.

He gave Antfrost a quick wave and stepped inside the elevator. What felt like both a too short and too long amount of time, the elevator doors finally opened. He walked to Phil's office door and hesitated before knocking.

Hearing a 'come in', he took in a deep breath and tried to plaster on a smile while coming into the office. He let out a quiet breath of release when he realized only Phil was in the room who was, as usual, sitting behind his desk.

"Ah, Tommy, there you are!" The hero smiled. "You were a few minutes late; I was worried something was going on."

Tommy furrowed his brows at this. "No, the subway was just a little late was all," he lied easily. "Why would you think something happened to me?"

Phil grimaced at his question. "There was an attack by Crimson." At the mention of Tommy's villain name, he immediately stiffened. "It was at a library relatively near your district. I was just a little worried about you is all."

Ignoring the fact that Phil was worried about him, he spoke, hoping to get the heroes point of view on the whole situation. "Wait, really? What happened?" He made sure to force a worried face.

"I wasn't there." Said Phil. "If you want any information about it, you'll have to talk to Techno or Xisuma, but you might not want to disturb Xisuma, since he's in the medical wing right now."

"Okay, I'll talk to Techno later then." Tommy muttered.

Phil nodded, "anyways, how's your wrist feeling?" He questioned.

He relaxed again at the new topic. Honestly, Tommy completely forgot about his injury. It wasn't fully healed, but it was close. His wrist healed surprisingly quick, which he's very grateful for. "It's good. I can probably do paperwork and all of that now." He paused. "But maybe go a little light on the amount I'll be doing today."

"Of course. I'm glad it's healed over so quickly in such a short amount of time." The avian replied. "In fact, rather than doing paperwork right now, how about you go to the training room? It's on floor thirty-nine, Techno and Wilbur are there, and I don't need much help since I have a meeting to get to." He offered.

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