Days Seem Sometimes As If They'll Never End

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Tommy's fucking over it.

He got around to messaging Tubbo and Ranboo about his situation last night. To which they asked why they wouldn't come along as well if the heroes are so concerned about Crimson attacking him at their apartment.

He didn't have an answer for that one, it was weird of the SBI for not suggesting having the two around.

It's doesn't really matter though. It probably slipped their mind, and it's not like Tommy's going to over to his apartment and attack his two best friends, so they're in the clear.

They knew that Tommy well enough to realize he didn't have much of a choice, that he wouldn't be at the Hero Tower any longer than he needed to be. So, they agreed to him staying at the Hero Tower. Even if the two weren't very happy about it.

That's not why Tommy's 'over it' though.

What he's concerned about his relationship with the three heroes. It just doesn't make much sense.

It started with his tolerance of the SBI, not ideal, but whatever. Then he began to avoid hurting them, both emotionally and physically. That, he can still fix. He just needs to stay strong and keep up his goals. It'll be fine because he can just remind himself, they're heroes. Disgusting lying heroes. Heroes who never helped him, heroes that never did anything for him when he needed them. If he just remembers that, he'll be fine. But now, he defended the heroes... which is something he can't exactly help himself over.

If he's being honest, he's sick of getting these confused feelings, he went out of his way to defend heroes yesterday. He defended heroes!

Sure, he technically did it for political matters, but nobody else knows that! Even if it worked in his benefit to have people be under the impression he was doing it for the SBI, it's not fun when he has jumbled up feelings over them and then people think he 'cares about them so much'.

Of course, word got around in the Hero Tower how an intern defended his employers, to which most people assumed it's because he wants a raise. And yeah, he did want a raise as does anyone else, but that wasn't the reason.

Sure, maybe he defended the SBI, and maybe that made it seem like he did it for them. But he didn't do it for them, he wouldn't ever do that for them. That's stupid.

Unfortunately, he can't admit that it was for political reasons because that would make it seem odd that he was more concerned over political matters than the SBI when people are talking shit about them, so he has to pretend he did it for them. It's kind of embarrassing.

The whole thing is ridiculous. People knew that he defended the SBI, but they didn't know the real reason why. They didn't know Royal or Eret, as the hero originally asked Tommy to call him, borderline intended to kill Techno.

All they know was that the group of heroes were saying some rude things about the three, more specifically about how they were 'villains', and Tommy stepped in to defend them.

Tommy's still unnerved by that whole encounter. Don't get him wrong, he knows more than anyone just how fucked up the heroes are. But for them to want their fellow heroes to die because of their abilities?

Yeah, that's a lot worse than he was expecting from the heroes.

Since the word got out, that meant the SBI would eventually here the situation. Tommy hoped and prayed and begged that they wouldn't mention it, that maybe perhaps they wouldn't like to talk about it due to what was said about them, but when is he ever that lucky?

"Aww Tommy, do you care about us?" Wilbur cooed the minute he walked into the room to have breakfast. The three were sitting at the table looking amused.

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