You Betrayed Me

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Techno was skeptical.

Thing upon thing had been piling up within the past two months. It felt so long ago when everything felt normal. He hardly remembered what normal was, but everything had just been off lately.

Crimson seemed to be looking into their lives. He knew about his family, he knew about what Royal said about them, and he had to have a decent idea of what the Hero Tower's layout was, considering he broke in and was able to burn up the workshop.

Techno wasn't an idiot. He decided against telling his family, considering the amount of stress they would feel when they realized what it meant, especially with Wilbur's fear. But Techno knew something more was happening. With Jinx telling him the haunting words of 'he is much closer to you than you think,' he was sure that Crimson was frequently in the Hero Tower. He suspected the Villain was posing as some staff member. He had no idea who it would be, though.

The more Techno thought about it, he wasn't even sure if Crimson was in the wrong for whatever was happening. He hurt innocent civilians and threatened the Hero's family, so that was a good reason as any to want the man locked up. His real goals were what interested Techno.

'Revenge,' Jinx said. That was what stood out from Crimson. Revenge. He wanted to take down the Hero Tower because of revenge. But why?

Techno had refused to be ignorant even more so just because he was a Hero. He had learned better, and he was aware that Villains had their reasons. Though he was hesitant to admit it, he understood their perspective. Purpled Greyson had his reasons, Fundy Faux had his reason too. He couldn't fully blame them for their motives, and they were what society deemed evil.

So where did that leave Crimson?

What did the Hero Tower manage to do or not do to lead to him becoming the infamous Crimson?

He is much closer to you than you think


It was like the pieces were right there, but Techno didn't know how to connect them. It was torturous.

At least he managed to figure out just how messed up the Hero Tower really was. Telling Phil and Wilbur was more nerve wracking than he thought it'd be since they could be close minded to things like this.

Techno didn't blame them for that. It was only a few months ago when he was the same way.

Regardless, the whole ordeal still made him nervous. He was just glad to have the evidence to back it up by showing Phil what happened to Purpled Greyson. And then they all knew what happened to Fundy Faux.

It was disgusting. Wilbur and Phil might be more close-minded to accepting how wrong the Hero Tower's system was, but even they knew it was bad. As Tommy put it, Villain or not, Fundy didn't deserve that. He shouldn't have attempted to escape, and yet, if Techno was suffering through that just like the Villain, he would do the same.

He didn't forgive the man's actions to civilians, not that he had much of a place to, but no person should go through that.

Techno always wondered how somebody could possibly become a Villain. What could possibly drive someone to be so cruel? When he saw other Villains explain their reasoning, he brushed it off. He didn't think that their reasoning was ever good enough to actually commit crimes.

But that was before he witnessed Purpled Grayson getting tortured. That was before Tommy.

The whole SBI thought they understood the flaws of the system. They understood that the Hero Tower played favourites towards the upper districts due to them giving more money to the Heroes. They were treated like garbage because of their abilities even when it helped the public.

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