Pardon My Emotions

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Phil can be a little overbearing.

He knows this, Wil and Techno tells him constantly.

He likes to think it's for the greater good, because overbearing and kindness are in the same field. And you need someone overbearing and caring in your life. He's sure because of it, it's helped with the kids he's fostered throughout the years.

That's the main reason he signed up to be a hero. Not because he's overbearing, but because he's caring. It hurts to see people around him getting hurt, and after a while, he refused to stay on the sidelines, just observing all the civilians getting injured because of villains or gangs.

Sure, there may have been an issue, that issue being his power. But he's already managed to keep it a secret for so long, what will change now?

Of course, the Hero Tower are no fools. Even if he managed to hide his ability from his birth certificate – which may be illegal, but can you really blame him? – the Hero Tower had to figure it out eventually. He's learned that they always figure things out, there's really no use of hiding.

By this point, it was too late to kick Phil out for that reason. Not only would it taint their image, letting someone with such a deadly ability as a hero, but the avian has proven by then he can be a great hero without using his power. So, what they did instead was letting all the heroes know about his abilities in case they're out in the field and worse comes to worst, he needs to use his powers. Although, it is a bit hypocritical since the Hero Tower basically ingrains in your brain from day one that you are not to ever kill anyone, and you will get arrested for doing so. Yet, they seem fine with using Phil's power if it's absolutely needed.

They also had to inform the healers in case he has any injuries somehow related to his powers, like overworking his abilities. Phil doesn't like to think about ever of 'overworking his abilities', it left a bad taste in his mouth. Regardless of the situation, the healers must know about his power, and going to the medical wing is absolutely dreadful because of it.

And Phil won't lie, the way the heroes switched like a flip once they realized his abilities, it really hurt. There was a point in his early days where he was popular, everyone seemed to like him, but now the heroes try their best to avoid him, along side Wilbur and Techno. They're subtle about it, sure, but it eventually gets obvious when they're constantly 'in a rush' or trying to avoid his touch at all costs.

When the heroes found out, all those years ago, he soon decided to completely isolate himself from everyone besides the two children he has at home. If he avoids everyone the best he can, unless it's for strictly business reasons, he doesn't have to see their expressions when he's nearby. He thought that would be the best choice. But once he built those walls to protect himself, those same walls caged him in. Nothing got better, instead he felt more alone.

As he grew older, he realized the best option was to suck it up and plaster on a fake smile and pretend like he never sees the glares or flinches. Because even if he's surrounded by people who hate him, at least he's surrounded by people.

No matter how much he feels like he's closer and closer to falling apart, he reminds himself he must stay strong, because he knows that despite the heroes having more of a grudge or a fear against him, his two boys has it much worse. Not only do they have to deal with the glares and lack of communication from people in the Hero Tower, but they also have to deal with the public's wrath.

Phil got relatively lucky by avoiding that, but they didn't get that privilege. Because of that, they have it much worse. It's not fair if he mopes around or crack under the pressure, if they can't see their father be good enough to handle just the heroes' judgement, how will they handle the whole world's?

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