Just Know I'll Be Here Longing

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Techno is less sure of himself than people think.

People see him as this confident and emotionless monster person. Though he simply knows how to put on a good act.

He does seem emotionless at first glance, sure. But if you get to know him, you'll see the small expressions and how much they really mean. Although, nobody really tries to get to know him in the first place, nobody except Wilbur and Phil.

He isn't as confident as he acts. He isn't insecure for the most part, but he's far from confident.

Growing up in the foster care does that to you.

And the fact that once he finally got a job he dreamt of as a child, only to be called a villain and have people fear you because of your powers doesn't exactly help either.

Techno tries to not let it get to him. They don't even know him; they're just assuming things. But when he has saved children from villains only for them to continue screaming at him... it begins to leave a mark.

The truth is, Techno feels very isolated. He's an introverted person, but when having only two people around you that isn't scared of you or hates you, you can't help but feel that way. Part of him wishes he never came a hero. Perhaps it would've been easier working a normal job where nobody will recognize or fear him.

They call him a monster for just existing. He never got to choose his powers. Techno will prove them wrong; he has to prove them wrong, but he can feel himself cracking under the pressure not only the public is putting himself under, but himself.

Because what will be good enough for them?

What will make them like him?

He needs to be the strong one in the family. His reputation is built on him being emotionless and strong, right? If his family realizes he can't handle it, they won't even think that they'll be okay. Techno always wanted to be a hero, he pushed and pushed himself to get his hopes and dreams. He became stronger and more skilled in combat than anyone else in the Hero Tower. When he found out Phil was a hero as a kid, he was in awe. The avian would help him try to achieve his goals by sparring with him or giving tips on how to exceed the Hero Tower's expectations.

Sometimes, Techno would get utterly exhausted with everything. He didn't want to work so hard, but whenever in doubt Phil would tell him the same thing.

"When you push yourself to do something, you'll grow faster."

At first, those words helped Techno. But as the years went by and he looks back on the words Phil would say to him, he can't help but having the same thought crossing his mind.

If growing is such a good thing, why does it feel like I grew the wrong way?

Why do I bother anymore? Why do I care?

He's a good person. He knows that no matter what the whispers of the public say he's good.

But is any of it worth it anymore? Is it worth fighting for the people who hate him? It's not like he owes the city anything.

It's a battle he can't win. No matter what he does, he loses. People will paint him as villain even more so if he quits, rumours will most likely spread that the reason why he quit is to become a villain, but the whispers and the hatred will go on if he keeps up his job.

He'll settle with staying at the job. It's what the rest of his family does, and they don't seem to dwell on whether or not they should get a new job. They're more concerned of what the public or fellow heroes say about them.

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