I'd Rather Sleep Than Stay Awake

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Wilbur thought he's a good person.

A lot of people think that the fact that he's a hero it can't be a debate for whether or not you're good – they just assume you are because you're a hero.

But that can't be farther from the truth. Wilbur had worked plenty of bad people in the Hero Tower, so many he began questioning just who is hiring them.

People just assume that heroes are blind to the flaws of the system.

Well, he can't blame them. A lot of heroes are.

But not all. He wasn't. Nor was Techno or Phil, but a big part of the reason was because Wilbur had pointed the flaws out. Because of that, the trio was slowly but surely working towards hopefully fixing the system, at least improving it a little.

Though despite being a hero... Wilbur wasn't often treated as such, neither is Techno.

To the public, people often insult them both or whisper things behind their backs as if they can't hear or see any of it.

They should be villains. They whisper. Their powers are too evil to be heroes.

Wilbur tried to not let those words to get to him, why would it really matter? Wilbur knew he's a good person and his powers did not define that.

Though he can't help but feel a little disgusted at himself whenever he looks at the mirror.

Wilbur's power was being able to control anyone by his voice. Sure, he could make someone jump off a building with just a few words or have someone tell their deepest darkest secret if Wilbur desired it. But he didn't do that because he's a good person. A hero.

He used that control for good, like many other people with powerful abilities. So, why can't others be judged so harshly for their power? Flame could light the whole city on fire if he really wanted to, yet nobody insulted him.

Techno has the same issue. The Blood God. People would say. Apparently, that would be his 'villain name' if he were one. It's fucking bullshit.

Techno's power is blood manipulation. He could shape blood into weapons while fighting. He could slow blood loss on even the largest wounds or quicken it up until the person becomes unconscious. Wilbur understood how that could be... scary, but it's a hero's job is to save you. Perhaps some heroes weren't good people, but they'll still do their job to save you.

And Techno? He does an amazing fucking job at it. Wilbur's sure that if it weren't for the hate they both get, they would be much higher on the list of Top Heroes. Techno, who worked his ass off constantly, is only fifth, while Wilbur is nineth.

Wilbur knew that the rumours don't bother Techno nearly as much as himself, but he can see his clenched jaw or narrowed eyes whenever the pinkette looked at the Top Heroes list or when someone is being so very obviously unfair to him. Techno didn't try to let their words get to him, at least that's what Wilbur assumed.

Phil was a completely different situation. He's the third most popular hero, though the public don't know about who he truly is. See, it's much rarer for hybrids to get powers and if they do, it's usually associated with their mob side.

That's what most people assume Phil's 'ability' is, if that even counted as one. Simply his large black wings. But the Hero Tower knew better.

Because the blonde's true ability was that he can kill anyone he wants with a single touch. And if people thought Wilbur or Techno's power was scary, then Phil's must be downright horrifying.

It's mainly the heroes that knew about Phil's ability, in case of emergencies on the field. Only a handful of other people knew about it, which is people with a high status in the Hero Tower or the healers in the medical floor.

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