I Wasn't Lettin' Up Until The Day He Died

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Wilbur honestly didn't know how to feel anymore with Crimson.

He tried to avoid even mentioning his fear. Besides confessing it to his family, he hadn't ever talked about it again. Why would he? It's shameful for him, a Hero, to be so afraid of a Villain. It was his job to protect the defenceless around him and for him to be cowering behind his brother because of Crimson... it's embarrassing, to say the least.

Wilbur had heard of Crimson before he met the Villain but didn't think much of it. It was just another wannabe Villain who was too in over his head causing trouble in a few of the lower districts. He didn't give a shit about the guy, there was plenty of those within the districts, this one was just another to add to the list.

And then Wilbur met him in that alleyway.

The brunette wouldn't lie, he was cocky when seeing Crimson right in front of them. He learned more about the Villain than most Heroes since he often monitored the lower districts. Sure, it was a little unnerving to know that Dream nearly died from Crimson, but the Hero had luck on his side as always. Of course the bullet wouldn't hit.

Confronting Crimson was smooth sailing. They taunted each other a little, Wilbur used his powers, and he was ready to take the man into the Hero Tower.

It was smooth sailing. Until it wasn't.

Crimson was immune to his power. And in turn, the Villain was immune to about every power out there. The odds of someone having two powers were a very slim thing. You had to be in the five percent of the Prodigies who did already have one power, and Prodigies in general only made-up twenty-five percent of the world!

That was already enough of a threat for a Villain to carry two powers. The Heroes later searched and searched for someone who matched the description of having both of those powers and nothing came up, which also meant that Crimson was illegally lying about the powers he possessed ever since he was a child. That in itself was suspicious. Unless his parents or even the child was intending on him to be a Villain, it was weird that they never inserted him into the system when you could get in huge legal trouble for not doing so.

It was like Crimson was just one big mystery it seemed like nobody could even get close to solving. Most of the information they did know about Crimson was shared by the Villain, making it all pretty useless, besides him having a wife.

Wilbur was a man of words. He believed that physically fighting was exhausting and boring, no matter how much his brother tried to convince him otherwise.

He could learn to fight, it would certainly have good benefits from it, but he didn't believe it was worth it besides from the standard self-defence he was required to take when he started out as a Hero.

But while it was stupid for many other Heroes to not continue to improve their fighting, for Wilbur it was fine, because unlike many others, he had a very powerful ability. Mind control.

When you were able to twist your words and force anyone around you to do anything you want, it didn't matter how much work you put into training or how many weapons you had on you. No matter how prepared he was for anything, he could always just have he wanted was in the palm of his hand, all he had to do was use his voice. So half the time, he simply didn't prepare himself for whatever the thing was.

And Wilbur wouldn't lie, he relied on his ability way too much. With Techno and Phil constantly nagging him about it, he was well aware of that. But he didn't think there would be any serious consequences from it. He didn't think that it would lead him into a rabbit hole of fears because some Villain was invincible from his mind control.

When the dots connected and he realized that Crimson was immune from his ability, he was terrified. Frozen. Paralyzed in his own fear because he stood no chance against the man.

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