We Hoped You Enjoyed Your Stay

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Tommy hadn't seen Wilbur much in the past few days, not after Techno admitted he wanted to become a Villain with Tommy. The chances of Wilbur and Phil wanting to become a Villain with him were slim, and he knew that. He was just glad to have Techno join the team at this point.

The Villain was pretty sure Wil was avoiding him. But it didn't bug him nearly as much as it would've, because Tommy was way too busy to care.

Tommy knew that he usually had a poor understanding of the things going around him. With his massive and justified confidence, it could make him perceive certain situations were different than it was. But Tommy thought it was pretty safe to say that he was in way over his head.

Asking a bunch of Villains to come to an unfamiliar location was more than difficult. Especially when he couldn't say anything but a few vague details about why they should come to said location. It took days of convincing a group of Villains, who were naturally the least trusting people in the world, to go to an address in the middle of nowhere, but Tommy finally convinced them.

And once he convinced them, he realized how bad of an idea it was to give a group of Villains who weren't necessarily completely on his side the address to where he lived.

Too late now, though.

He set up an area to have a meeting in the more or less empty basement. He managed to drag a somewhat cool-looking dining table to the middle of the room along with some chairs. It definitely wasn't perfect, but it was good enough.

He had no idea how this would go, though. Besides Quackity, calling any of these Villains friends would be naïve, and even with Quackity, it was still up in the air.

Adding a former Hero into a group of supervillains wouldn't make the already tense situation any easier.

And what Tommy was about to ask of the Villains... yeah. He wasn't sure how good of an idea this truly was. But it wasn't like he could back out anymore.

The teen looked at Techno with a wobbly smile. At least his brother was here to support him during this.

"You ready?" Tommy asked.

Techno nodded, and they both pulled down their masks.

It was decided that Techno would go downstairs to greet the Villains, as they didn't want an argument right there in the house where Wilbur or Phil could easily hear the whole exchange. While Tommy was almost certain that they wouldn't join his side, he didn't want to convince them even more that it was a bad idea.

It didn't take long for Jinx and Thorn to arrive. He could feel the judgmental looks Thorn gave him for the strange spot for a meeting, but he didn't care too much. He was more worried about how tense Thorn was.

While the two did arrive on time, Lemon did not. They we just waiting for them.

So, they all sat on the couch. Awkwardly waiting for the Villain.

Thorn cleared her throat. "Could we just start the meeting? Maybe Lemon's a no-show."

"He said he'd be there," Tommy responded. "We'll just wait them out."

"Villains lie." She pointed out.

Tommy shrugged. "I have something I'd like to share with all of you. I don't want him to miss out just because he was five minutes late."

Thorn's shoulders dropped with disappointment – or annoyance, which would make more sense knowing how she is. "Okay."

Another minute of awkward silence.

"Is this where the meeting is?" Jinx said. "It's an... interesting choice."

"Well, it's in the basement. I didn't exactly have many choices." Tommy answered.

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