Now I'm Stuck And Tryna Get Up Out Of This Hole

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They finally moved to the new home.

Techno was very glad to hear about that. As much as he appreciated Jinx lending them multiple hotel rooms in their time of need, he hated it.

Things were tense ever since Tommy revealing himself as Crimson, and even when the hotel rooms were massive, it was certainly not enough space when everyone was mad or upset with each other in some way.

Except Tubbo and Ranboo, he guessed. They were vibing. But other than that, it wasn't looking too good for everyone.

When Techno had heard that it would take longer to move into their new house than expected, he'd admit, he was a little angry, and some of that anger was taken out on Tommy.

It wasn't good that he did that, but Techno was so mad at everyone apart of the SBI, and Tommy was the easiest person to take it out on because everyone seemed to feel the same way. Tommy also couldn't really call them out for taking their anger out on him, not when he betrayed them.

He obviously didn't consider how much that would affect the blonde.

Which was selfish. Techno knew that was a little selfish to never consider his how emotions would affect Tommy's feelings. Naturally, that made Tommy eventually blow up.

And in that moment, when Tommy was sobbing on the floor, the guilt Techno felt was immeasurable.

He was being too harsh on Tommy, he realized suddenly. He was being too harsh on Tommy, who despite every mistake he made, was still a kid who dealt with his parents dying tragically young and justifiably began directing that anger onto Heroes.

Techno had no room to talk on whether that was wrong or not, not when he had been doing the exact same thing to Tommy.

He was mad at the situation he was in. Techno was angry his life had been snatched from him and he was even angrier he couldn't scream at anyone over it. Tommy had been yelled at enough on his own, and even then, Techno wouldn't want to yell at Tommy over it, he wasn't the one Techno blamed all that much. Not for that, at least.

Phil and Wilbur.

Techno blamed Phil and Wilbur.

They were still coping over the fact that they did kill someone to begin with, so it hadn't been a good time for Techno to speak his mind towards them. More things were piling up though, and now that they had moved from the hotel room, he would have an opportunity to talk about everything.

Neither of them had picked up on his anger yet, which was weird. He knew that he wasn't the most visibly emotional person, but they knew him more than anyone. They would usually be able to tell with this stuff.

Then again, they were both very stressed and in their own head to even consider Techno. Again.

He would definitely have to have a chat with them sooner than later, though he didn't really know when. Techno wanted to wait until they got their emotions in check, because both Wilbur and Phil were a wreck emotionally, but who knew how long that could take.

Despite how badly he wished it would all blow over, he would have to talk to them about it someday, however long that may be. If he didn't tell them how upset he was over this all, then how would the anger ever slow down? It wouldn't, until it'd blow up, just like how Tommy did.

It was the second day of living in their new house, each of them having their own room. Though, Techno did notice Tommy, Ranboo, and Tubbo going into a room together for the night.

It wasn't so long ago they were suffering from financial issues though, maybe they still weren't used to having their own room.

Regardless, it seemed like there was an unspoken agreement from the SBI – including Tommy since he was basically apart of them at this point – that they would keep to themselves for a little while.

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