Chapter Forty - One.

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A/n; I'm so sorry for making you wait guys, school had just started a week ago and I'm busy bc the teachers are starting to bombarding us with school works. I'm truly sorry for making you guys wait and I promise to update as soon as I can.

And here ya go, enjoy reading!

PS. Please comment and tell me what's on your mind or what you think okay?

Katie's POV;

"Babe, you ready?!" Caleb asked as he knocked on the bathroom door. Well, it's been three dad since we went to the fair. I bought a ticket to visit my mom so me and Caleb will leave tomorrow night.

"Yeah!" I replied as I applied my lip gloss. I went out of the bathroom and slipped on my cream doll shoes. I'm wearing my white mesh top and my light pink jeans. Well, we're going to visit Caleb's grandma.

I grabbed my purse and went downstairs seeing Caleb in his navy blue and black plaid shirt and a white shirt in it and then he paired it with black pants and black pants.

"Ready?" I nodded and smiled softly. We made our way out and locked the door behind us. He intertwined our fingers. I looked up at him and he smiled warmly. "You're so beautiful," He spoke and kissed my forehead.

"You smell so nice." I mumbled as I sniffled his shirt. He laughed lightly and we went in the elevator. We reached the lobby and made our way out to the parking lot. "Where do you want to eat first?" He asked as we drove off.

"Starbucks or TGI?"

"Mcdonalds..." He said and smiled sheepishly making me laughed. "You didn't have to ask you know,"

"Well, I thought you don't want McDonalds for breakfast."

"I always want McDonalds. I can eat it whenever the hell I want," He chuckled. "You're amazing you know that?" He said and smiled warmly.

I almost froze.

Cameron said the same thing about a year ago. Which made me realize that I still have feelings for him.

I just plastered a smirk on my face and said, "I know." He chuckled once again and we pulled off at McDonalds. We hopped out and went inside hand in hand. "I'll go find us a seat." I spoke and kissed his cheek then walked away. I sat on a table at the right corner.

I pulled out my phone and saw Nash's text.

Fr; Nash.
Heard you're going home tonight.

To; Nash.
Yeah, I'll stay there for two weeks.

Fr; Nash.

To; Nash.
How 'bout you guys?

Fr; Nash.
Still looking if we have time.

To; Nash.

I put my phone at the side of the table as Caleb came with the tray or four french fries and two Big Macs and two large mc float. "You really know what I want, you know?" I chuckled and took my Big Mac. "Of course!" He said and smirked. I just rolled my eyes and started eating.

After we ate, we drove to his grandparents' house. Caleb knocked on the door and Caleb's mom answered it and greeted us cheerily. "Oh hey kids!" She chirped and hugged us both. "Hey mom."

"Hey Rosie." I smiled softly. "Come in." She spoke and stepped aside then we came in seeing his cousins and his aunties and uncles then his grandparents. "Kate!" Lexi squealed and jumped on me. "Hey lex!" I laughed.

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