Tower of Babel arise

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Genesis 11-13

In Genesis 11, the Tower of Babel did rise,
As humanity sought to touch the skies.
A unified language, a common goal,
To build a city, to make themselves whole.

But pride consumed their hearts and minds,
As they defied God's plans, His divine,
He scattered them, languages confused,
Their tower in ruins, dreams diffused.

In Genesis 12, Abraham received a call,
To leave his homeland, to follow the Lord's hall.
God promised to bless his descendants, so grand,
A great nation they would become, as sand.

Abraham obeyed, trusting in God's hand,
Journeying to a promised, foreign land.
He built altars, worshiped with devotion,
In faith, he embraced a divine notion.

In Genesis 13, Lot and Abraham parted ways,
Choosing different lands, in different days.
Lot chose the fertile plains of the Jordan,
While Abraham dwelled in Canaan, with deep connection.

Dear friend, as we reflect on these stories old,
What wisdom do they hold, what truth untold?
Do they speak of obedience and humility,
Or the consequences of pride and futility?

I invite you to ponder and share your thoughts,
For within these verses, divine wisdom is sought.
What speaks to your heart, what lessons do you find,
As we journey through the tales of Genesis, entwined?

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