Pure and pristine

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Deuteronomy 14-16

In Deuteronomy chapters fourteen to sixteen,
God's commandments are revealed, pure and pristine.
He instructs His chosen people, set apart,
To live in His ways, with pureness of heart.

"Do not cut yourselves or shave your head,
For you are a holy people," God said.
Abstain from eating what is unclean,
For in holiness, true blessings are seen.

Tithes and offerings, the people are taught,
To bring to the Lord, with hearts undaunted.
The firstfruits and the best of their harvest,
A way to honor God, and show their earnest.

"Be kind to the Levites and the sojourner,
For they have no portion, no inheritance to gather.
Remember that you were once slaves, oppressed,
So be generous and share, let love manifest."

In remembrance of the Passover, they're told,
To celebrate with joy, an offering of gold.
And during the Feast of Weeks, with thanksgiving,
The firstfruits of their labor, upward lifting.

"Do not pervert justice, show impartiality,
For I am a God of righteousness and clarity.
Appoint judges and officers, work without flaw,
That justice may prevail, adhering to My law."

These chapters in Deuteronomy remind us still,
To walk in God's ways, His commands fulfill.
To live with integrity, compassion, and love,
Honoring God above, our hearts fixed on the One above.

So let us hold fast to the teachings of old,
In Deuteronomy's words, wisdom untold.
For in obedience to God's holy decree,
We find true freedom and joy, eternally.

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