Power and might

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In Joshua 4 to 6, the tale unfolds,
Of how God's power and might were boldly told.
As the Israelites crossed the Jordan wide,
They saw God's faithfulness, deep and wide.

Twelve stones they gathered, a memorial to keep,
A sign of God's mighty hand, so deep.
That future generations would come to see,
How God had led them to victory.

The walls of Jericho, strong and tall,
Stood as a challenge, but they would fall.
For Joshua followed God's command,
To march around the city, a divine plan.

With trumpets and shouts, they circled the walls,
A demonstration of faith, as the glory falls.
And on the seventh day, with a mighty blast,
The walls crumbled down, a triumph unsurpassed.

But there was one who disobeyed,
Achan's greed, the Lord betrayed.
For hidden spoils, he could not resist,
But his sin brought trouble, it could not persist.

Through confession and repentance, they sought God's grace,
And Achan's wrongdoing was brought to face.
For purity and obedience, God does demand,
To truly possess the promised land.

From Joshua 4 to 6, we learn,
That God's ways may twist and turn.
But in His sovereignty, He holds the key,
To victory, triumph, and sweet liberty.

So, my friend, as you journey through life's strife,
Remember the stories from Joshua's life.
Trust in God and His perfect plan,
For He is the one who holds your hand.

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