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Genesis 17-20

In Genesis 17, a covenant was made,
A promise from God, to never fade.
Abram's name was changed, to Abraham anew,
Father of many nations, his legacy grew.

Circumcision was given, a sign of this bond,
A physical mark, for his descendants to respond.
Sarai, too, received a new name,
Sarah, a mother of nations, with a different claim.

In Genesis 18, three visitors did arrive,
To Abraham's tent, where they did thrive.
They brought good news, a miracle to tell,
Sarah would bear a child, as God had foretold.

But Sarah laughed, in disbelief she cried,
"How can this be, my age cannot provide?"
Yet God's faithfulness prevailed, His promise held true,
And Isaac, the son of laughter, was born anew.

In Genesis 19, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah,
Faced destruction, a divine horror.
But Lot, Abraham's nephew, found favor in God's sight,
He and his family were rescued, in the darkest night.

Sadly, Lot's wife disobeyed God's command,
She looked back, a pillar of salt she became, forever to stand.
In this tale of judgment and mercy intertwined,
We're reminded of God's justice and His love so kind.

Reflect, my friend, on these chapters and themes,
What do they reveal, what do they mean?
What lessons do they hold, in this ancient text,
That can guide us today, as we strive to be blessed?

Share your thoughts, dear one, let's dive deep,
Into the treasures of Genesis, our souls to keep.
For in each page, there's wisdom to find,
And a Father's love, beautifully designed.

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