In shiloh the tabernacle stood tall

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In Joshua's tales, chapters 21 through 23,
A twisted path of destiny do we see.
The allotted land, the cities of refuge,
For Israel's tribes, a promise kept true.

The Levites received their inheritance divine,
Cities assigned, where God's presence will shine.
From tribe to tribe, a portion they shared,
A sanctuary for the lost, burdened, and scared.

In Shiloh, the tabernacle stood tall,
Where the Ark of the Covenant enthralled.
A place of worship, a sanctuary's embrace,
Where God's glory dwelled, in sacred space.

Joshua, now old, called the leaders to hear,
To remind and exhort, with words sincere.
"Obey the Lord wholeheartedly," he said,
"Keep His commands, and be securely led."

But a cautionary tale was also shared,
Of turning from God, of hearts ensnared.
"Do not intermarry with the nations," he cried,
"Stay faithful to God, in Him, abide."

The tribes vowed allegiance, with hearts aligned,
To serve the Lord, the God of all kind.
They promised obedience, unwavering and true,
For His faithfulness, in all they do.

So let us learn from these ancient tales,
To trust in God, when the enemy assails.
With catchy words and twisted verse,
May we heed His voice, and not disperse.

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