Divine mix

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Deuteronomy 24-26

In Deuteronomy, chapters twenty-four to twenty-six,
God's instructions are shared, a divine mix,
Of laws and guidelines for His people so dear,
That they may walk in righteousness and have no fear.

In chapter twenty-four, we learn of divorce,
A painful reality, taking its course,
But God's heart is for unity, for love to abide,
And divorce should never be taken in stride.

Then, we hear of lending and borrowing,
Of being fair and just, compassion outpouring,
To the poor and needy, extend your hand,
For in doing so, you fulfill God's command.

Chapter twenty-five, a lesson in fairness,
In punishment and reward, God's righteousness,
A reminder to render just judgment always,
And treat all with respect, throughout our days.

The following chapter, God's generosity unfolds,
In tithes and offerings, as He upholds,
The wellbeing of His people, the widow and stranger,
As we give, God blesses, His love does not waver.

So in these verses, we find God's plan,
To guide His people, every woman and man,
To live with integrity, kindness, and grace,
Reflecting His love in every embrace.

What stands out to you in these words so true?
How can you apply them in all that you do?
May God's wisdom and love be your eternal guide,
As you walk in His ways, with Him by your side.

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