The Deuteronomy

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In the book of Deuteronomy, words of old,
A farewell speech, so profound and bold,
Moses addressed the Israelites with care,
Guiding them on their journey, God's love to share.

He reminded them of God's ways and commands,
His faithfulness and mighty outstretched hands,
To love the Lord with all their heart and might,
And walk in His paths, in both day and night.

Moses retold stories of the wilderness years,
Of trials and tests, of joy and tears,
God's provision, manna from above,
And His unwavering presence, like a guiding dove.

He cautioned them against idols and false gods,
To trust in the Lord, to honor His odds,
For only God could lead them to their promised land,
Victorious and blessed, by His mighty hand.

He laid out the laws and statutes so clear,
A blueprint for life, to hold them near,
To care for the widow, the orphan, and stranger,
To show compassion and love, and never endanger.

In Deuteronomy's pages, we find wisdom and insight,
Lessons to guide us, both day and night,
For in these words, God's promises abide,
His covenant of love, forever by our side.

So let us turn to Deuteronomy's plea,
To seek God's truth and wisdom, abundantly,
To live as a chosen people, set apart,
And let His word shape and transform our heart.

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