Seven to ten

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Deuteronomy 7-10

In Deuteronomy, chapters seven to ten,
God's covenant with His people prevails again,
He commands them to drive out nations impure,
To cling to Him, and His ways ensure.

"For you are a chosen people," He declares,
A treasured possession, without compare,
He reminds them of His mighty hand,
How He delivered them from Egypt's sand.

"Do not be afraid of the nations you'll face,
For I am with you, in every place,
I will go before you, and fight your battles,
You are under My wing, safe in My tassels."

He warns them of idols, false gods and temptation,
To worship Him alone, with dedication,
To teach His commandments to their children dear,
That His truth may be known from far to near.

"For you are a holy people," He proclaims,
Called to live righteous, and honor His name,
He recounts their journey, the forty-year span,
How He disciplined them, man by man.

Through Moses' intercession, God showed grace,
He forgave their transgressions, erased their disgrace,
He gave them the Law, His holy standard,
To guide them in righteousness, His truth to venerate.

"Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and might,
And walk in His ways, day and night,
For He is faithful, He keeps His covenant strong,
To those who love Him, to whom they belong."

So let us remember the lessons of old,
In Deuteronomy's words, wisdom untold,
To love and obey, to trust and adore,
The God who goes with us, now and forevermore.

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